Dokladnie. Jestem za jakimś testem na rodzica, ale jak pomyślec o tym przez dłużej niż 2 sekundy to od razu wyskakuje kilka problemów. Nie ma właściwie nikogo komu możnaby ufać by to sprawiedliwie ocenić. No i bogaci by poprostu dali w łapę by to obejść.

One day you'll get it! Good luck!

Not to mention, lack of kids won't be the reason foe humans dying. The species will end due to the Earth becoming unhabitable or some natural disaster, like the dinos had. Having more kids won't save anything, it will just cause them to die too.

It is not. Any media having anthro animals is furry. It includes stuff like Bugs Bunny even.

"Furry" indeed exists as porn category, but so does "asian" or "trans" or "feet". None of these are inherently sexual.



I'm fairly sure this engi is doing it on purpose, hoping to bait a driller into pulling out a C4 so they can Fat Boy first, high noon Wild West style

Canonically that's before we get to him on Uranus :c especially cuz he mentions Krill who we kill pretty early too

That's what I do. I never respond to messages immediately. Always give people several minutes to cook their message so I can later read it when it's fully done

In polish cities people really had enough of these electric scooters. Seeing this, I would expect other passerbys to even join with the screetching lmao

I would like it gone not because I dislike it, but because it would mean ttRPGs became popular enough that we don't need an explanation!

Video games or movies don't need a "what is a videogame" after all

My first instinct was to say something like "imagine if the last kid turned out to be trans". But then that would probably be a horrible situation for the kid and they would get zero support :/

Znajomej rodzina z US mąke wysyłała żeby mogli sobie chleb upiec ;D "bo przecie wy jak na wsi"

I've allowed myself to support an idea of a game only this once, cuz wanted to see Firefall again.

Then all the updates was exactly that, anime titties concept arts.

The shame I bear, it will take me long to get over knowing I've supported this waste of my energy.

Jest absolutnie niezręcznie - dla nich. To oni są jak ex która próbuje wciąz namówić cię byś dała jej jeszcze jedną szansę, ale ty już wiesz że to nie jest tego warte. To oni są cringe, nie ty! Ludzie obserwujący to pomyślą jedynie "co na upierdliwy pracownik", nikt nie będzie się tobą interesować

Skill issue

Sold My Gender To Become My Sona

She-Ra vibes!

Tenno should have been upset cuz I can bet they were in a sort of mission and Stalker has gotten in the way. If I lose a 45min Arbitration mission because the guy unplugs my chair it'd be hard as heck to not Void Blast his face right away 😅

The blade near Operator's throat is not threatening at all, considering they can just Void Hide in an blink of an eye

The people who are asleep when this begins could have a chance, if it gets discovered and the news spread fast enough to reach them. Some would believe and would survive

Lmao otherwise Steel Path players would leave the mission the moment they see friendly Jade

Gimme them sweet Arcanes

Ziom, tez kiedys tak myslalem ale jak powiedzialem dziewczynie ze chce malowac paznokcie to ona wrecz sie nakrecila jeszcze bardziej i chciala ze mna probowac makeup i tak dalej!

Okej, jest zawsze szansa ze w ten sposob niestety czesc kobiet moze pomyslec ze jestes homo i przez to od razu poddadza sie zamiast probowac cie poderwac, ale z drugiej strony malowanie paznokci przez facetow staje sie coraz bardziej popularne, co powinno dzialac na twoja korzysc :D

Generalnie dziewczyny (wlasciwie ludzie jako ogół) lubia facetow po ktorych widac ze potrafia zadbac o swoj wyglad. A dobrze pomalowane paznokcie definitywnie o tym swiadcza

It's not hard, unfortunately. The main reason is that some certain things that determine the ending don't really look like something important.

Just... remain vigilant, keep in mind that seemingly not-important things you do/say can have an impact