:mnufc: MNUFC

I get that. And I tip for the things I always used to tip for. But I hate the screen that wants me to add on a minimum of 15% for a bag of M&M's. That's a rip-off. I'm a working person, too. And as this thread demonstrates, who knows where the tips go?

I'm far from a Luddite who thinks electronic money is Big Brother, but there's something to be said for leaving 2 bucks in the tip jar.

:mnufc: MNUFC

I don't know, man. I tipped extra during the pandemic because people were taking risks and keeping the world going, but I don't like being suckered into tipping for somebody to simply hand me something over a counter. We didn't do that in the Before Times, so why would we do it now?

And yes, people should make enough money to not have to be reliant on tips.

Yes. This is going to be a long, hard slog, and we'll have to gut it out against the forces of denial and status quo, but these technologies work, they are getting cheaper, every year we're learning new things, and with every additional tenth of a degree we shave off the trajectory, we are saving millions of lives and avoiding untold misery.

We should not feel hopeless. We should feel empowered. The choice is dire and the hour is late, but we've never been in a better position to win.

How's that for sounding like Churchill? 😉

Just a few years ago we were on track for about 4 degrees C of warming by 2100. Today, thanks to faster-than-expected adoption of renewables, that is under 3 degrees. That's still way too much, but the message is: there's progress and there's hope. We have the technologies to solve this problem, and their prices are falling. All we need now, is the political will to move even faster, and that is something we can all help make happen with our voices, our votes and our dollars.

It's telling that you're not bringing up the victims of the Oct 7 raid, many of whom were raped and mutilated; the hostages (are any of them still alive? Hamas seems to have no problem keeping its own leadership alive); the constant rocket attacks and the tens of thousands of internally displaced people inside Israel.

And that's to say nothing of the thousands or Palestinians who have died and seen their houses and infrastructure destroyed, because Hamas intentionally hides among and underneath them. And the fact that this whole thing could be over today of stopped using the Palestinians as canning fodder and martyrs and put down its arms. Clearly, they've been defeated military. With every day they prolong this thing, more people die.

Does suffering only count when it's Palestinians, not when it's Jews? I know the history. You should probably pay more attention to actual facts of the present. If you really care so much about the Palestinians, you should demand that Hamas do the right thing. They started this, and they can end it.

Is there? The UN just revised its casualty numbers downward. They came from Hamas, which cooked the books. Big surprise.

Pro tip: never trust religious fanatics who believe they have a mandate from heaven to kill people. It's not rocket science.

This does not mean that Israel isn't using disproportionate force, and it does not foreclose the possibility that it has committed war crimes. Both things can be true at the same time.

Things are not black and white. You're under no obligation to choose a side.

Both peoples have suffered atrocities and everybody's basic humanity needs to be recognized. But discussions about who's suffered more, who's more indigenous, and who had more right to the land at any point in the distant past are without end and counterproductive.

Again: clearly, nobody's going anywhere. What counts is what happens going forward.

Come on now. Outside of Asia, most people in the world are Christians and Muslims. Both religions have a long history of anti-Semitism. You don't have to know members of a group to be prejudiced against them.

Also, Jews have history all over the world. That's what happens when you have to run from so many places because people keep trying to kill you.

No. Israel is definitely overacting in Gaza, but casualty counts have slowed. If that was their aim, why aren't they doing it?

That, and minimizing Hamas's barbarism in a quick, clearly well-worn soundbite designed to say what you're expected to say and move the conversation back to Israel asap.

Discussions about Israel's founding are not helpful or constructive. Clearly, it's there and it isn't going away. Neither are the Palestinians. Those are the facts of life. The question is: how can these people find a way to live together going forward? Endless discussions about what happened 70, 100, 1,000, or 5,000 years ago are not constructive.

The sleight of hand here is that it isn't "Hamas." It's Hamas + Iran + Hezbollah + the Houthis + the rest of that coalition.

And that was just one of the many, many rhetorical tricks she used.


And, let's be honest, because they're Jews. That's the elephant in the room.

Other than that, obsessively forcing every single thing into the decolonial frame is what's expected of a certain kind of academic, but it's not helpful.

  • Israel is not a colonial power in the mold of England, France, Spain or Japan. There's a lot to criticize it for, but this is just factually not true.
  • Hamas is not a national liberation movement like the ones from the colonial era. It's a group that governs a territory with a standing army.
  • Why did she keep lumping in 2 million Arab Israeli citizens with the 5 million Palestinians?

This one was high in sophistry and deception. I wish Ezra had pushed back a lot more.

Yep. Blame the victim. And always assume the best about Putin and the worst about Israel.

Try again, lady. People are smarter than.

:mnufc: MNUFC

Yeah, nothing like helping your family by pissing away millions of dollars and generational wealth.

50 years down the line, somewhere in Argentina:

  • "Hey, remember when great-grandpa Emanuel pissed away millions of dollars and generational wealth?"
  • "We don't mention that, son. Now pass me that tree bark. I'm hungry."
:mnufc: MNUFC

Is it just me or is he giving off some serious "Kanye-off-his-meds" vibes?

Pandas are fine, but it's just another color scheme on an old shoe.

It's not just Nike though. Our whole culture right now is remakes, prequels and sequels. We're not seeing a lot of originality anywhere.

:mnufc: MNUFC

What are you even prattling on about? I'm saying he couldn't pull that shit in Argentina.

Have a pleasant night.

:mnufc: MNUFC

Dude, are you seriously going to argue over this one? I said that precisely because he played for Boca. I suppose I could have added again for my rather more anal-retentive friends.

Jesus. The Internet, man. Every single thing is an argument.

Yup. Boring old New Balance is kicking Nike's ass, to say nothing of the Hokas and Ons I'm seeing all around town.

I mean, Jordan 1s and Air Force 1s are nice, but come on guys, do something new and exciting ffs.

Nike is in a bad state. Same four or five classic models in different colors year in year out. When was the last time they made a memorable new shoe? And on the more utilitarian side (running/workout shoes), the last few pairs I bought were straight up uncomfortable.

Not great.

:mnufc: MNUFC

He should thank the soccer gods for Minnesota nice. Imagine if he played for Boca, or any team in Argentina, and went AWOL for months every season. He wouldn't be able to leave his house.