Probably doesn't matter to them, they got their karma which tells them most people agree with them.

Actually, I think I take back most of what I said. When your players attempted the puzzle, the only direction that is even close to possible is going up to start. And that, as far as I can tell, always leads to the bee going to the orange above the red flower. That's an easy opportunity for them to see the bee stop and then the puzzle is easy. So not only is this a really easy puzzle, but the only way to fail it is to try and map it all out without trying anything beforehand, which isn't a great look since you implied that trial and error is encouraged. In other words, I agree with your meme, great job.

Well you see, the puzzle only works if you can jump 2 squares, just not when you would go over a red flower. So normally the bee flies past the middle flower but it specifically stops for red ones. No that wasn't clear, but I think OP meant for the wording to clue you in that red flowers are different.

In general, a "throw out your assumptions" type puzzle is really cool and flavorful, but it can be difficult to pull off. In this case, the 2 flower move rule is confusing because you would think that the bee ignores the skipped flower, which it clearly does for almost every one. With the way you worded it, it's really difficult to make the assumption that red specifically Trump's other color flowers. To make it easier but not trivial (to be clear I think it's fine for it to be trivial and for you to explicitly state the rules) I probably would have slightly worded the red flower description differently in a way that encouraged asking clarifying questions that could maybe lead to a roll. Something like "reaching X flower" and "flying over red flowers" in a way that makes sense for your puzzle. Why does the bee stop at red? Does it look really attractive to the bee, or give off some kind of scent?

I got to tell our district leader/director whatever she's called how much wasn't able to be done in electronics with like...35 hours a week in the schedule. She turned around and told our specialty ETL to find a way to get it all done with the hours we had.

Everyone at my store uses 8-10, when I made them I always used 5.

I enjoy math and still mostly remember how to do integrals and derivatives. When I looked at this I assumed it was supposed to be difficult and tried to divide by x because my brain wasn't working.

I get that it's meant to make fun of people that don't want to or can't do simple math, but I think that applies to a huge amount of people, at least at first glance.

Probably the same reason that the owner upon finding out that one employee was stealing decided all his other employees get a $3 raise- it's fiction. (To be clear, they deserve the raise but this interaction isn't going to make an owner see that)

I'm playing in eberron in pf2e, and the main campaign seems to be about deities. My DM has done a great job adapting it and coming up with the pathfinder specifics that come with deities.

I love that the weather rock camp joke made it to DND.

Don't worry, all of these are a mixture of apple or grape juice with a little bit of other fruits mixed in.

Yeah that's the implication, and I think a lot of people think that way. Some combination of not trusting them to not be sexual with your child and some weird purity thing with protecting your child's chastity. The whole "I'm gonna sit my kids date down and put a gun on the table" stuff

I haven't watched any pf2e games, but I'd bet it isn't as good as a listening/viewing experience because yes there is a lot to keep track of. Extra dice probably come from weapon runes, either striking runes (which are the main way pathfinder martials scale alongside casters, rather than extra attack in 5e) or other property runes like a flaming rune that add extra damage.

Skill checks being above 30 is mainly a product of separating the difficulty for tasks of different levels. Whereas a d20 roll is a huge part of whether you can succeed at any roll in 5e, (still ~a 50% chance even with +10 on a dc 20 check,) in pf2e you add your level to rolls (but the level gets added to the dc) so tasks that are "lower level" than you are much easier relatively, and higher level tasks are harder. It helps give a feeling of powering up when leveling, and also lets you consistently do tasks that are easy.

The grabbing something off of your belt is a result of then 3 action system, because it takes just as many actions as attacking someone.

I'd definitely say that pf2e makes you have to strategize more, but I don't really think you have to enjoy crunching numbers for it. The rules are pretty streamlined, and besides the numbers being bigger, I don't find combat has more number crunching than 5e.

Is this the biggie that was groomed in a tiktok video by a professional groomer?

I don't think I've ever caught a 5 pounder, but we always measured length not weight.

Umm excuse me, I would be able to dodge that just fine, thank you.

Im not trying to downplay the issues you had, but would you believe it if I said in earlier games there was like 10 times more to keep track of and do? You had to keep crafting recipes in your inventory if you wanted to craft something during a hunt, gathering was a huge pain, tracking monsters could be difficult, and other things that I'm sure I'm forgetting. The game has actually become way more user friendly compared to how it was when it was just a PSP game.

I was also thinking "oh shit was supah hot supposed to be Kendrick?" While watching this.

Just my two cents, but leave an opening or some way for your players to escape the fight once it starts if you are using a big boss. If your party can see it make a roll or two, or get off an attack or two, they will quickly see that its level is way higher than theirs and hopefully retreat.

Konosuba. I even watched the whole first season because people said it was great and it just isn't interesting to me. None of the characters are likeable and it's not that funny either.