Ok, get out of here with your logic and pragmatism.

It’s fake. There’s no way 12% of Christian Nationalists support Biden.

I use jet once in a while but usually forget about the chems. The whole addiction management thing is a hassle too.

Who would post this and think that the lesbian acts were the main thing to mention in the title?! The rest is so much worse.

Also, I despise Donald Trump with a passion, but there’s so much of this kind of thing out there that after a while, my brain starts to question whether some of it can’t be true. I think I just don’t wanna think about it anymore.

You can’t clip those wings! At least he’s using a fork.

Maybe this time it will be something that isn't absolute poison for all of civilization. A fella can still dream, can't he?

Yes, that's the point. I didn't say I need to ask, I said I like to ask. There's no nice way to answer.

I like to ask them (magats) why Trump is the first president in 248 years to need total immunity to do his job. Seriously, no president, even Nixon, has never been at the slightest risk of facing consequences.

You wish it was bigger, I’m assuming.

Just another billionaire conman, still trying to convince people who already know better that he's a genius.

If by "the people" you mean Donald Trump, it means he can do whatever he wants and claim immunity and he will have a very high chance of getting away with it, even if the act is egregious and something a third world dictator would do.

I wonder why the 45th president of the united states is the first in 248 years to need total immunity...oh yeah, he's the most prolific law breaker to ever hold the office. He makes Nixon look like a law abiding citizen and a sweetheart. Anyone still supporting him is either a moron or an extremist.

This illustrates with perfect clarity and indisputably that Trump is dangerous and has zero integrity and should not be allowed anywhere near the White House. Anyone still supporting him after this is an idiot.

Technically that ship sailed years ago, but there’s no rationalizing this.

Yep. You cant play nice and expect to win againt dirty fighters. Time to get those hands dirty, Dems.

Also, I absolutely adore AOC.

Speed Stick unscented. Nearly all scented deodorants cause breathing difficulties for me, and they also just smell obnoxious.

Malevolent. It’s so hokey we thought we were watching a comedy all of a sudden.

I’m a middle-aged white Kendrick Lamar fan, and I hear that song everywhere I go. Went to see a movie at the mall yesterday and a car drove by with the windows down playing it. My 30-year-old daughter who’s never mentioned Kendrick Lamar before in her life loves the song and has been talking about it.

Drake is dreaming.

But he's smart because he has an uncle at MIT. He has an aptitude. Did you know there is such a thing as "aptitude"? Because he's heard of it and has one.

40 to 50% of the Republicans I know don’t really care for Trump at all and like people like Romney, Adam Kinsinger, Laura Cheney, and don’t identify with or participate in maga at all. Their heads are spinning and they have no idea what to do. The others, I had no idea they even were interested in politics until they saw themselves reflected in the king moron himself and they’re all definitely maga Trump idolaters. Suddenly they’re paying attention but all living in an echo chamber. There’s definitely some overlap, but there are definitely two distinguishable camps. And also 100% of the ones that I know have no idea who Nick Fuentes is and don’t really know anything about project 2025 either. I don’t hate any of these people. I mostly pity them.