Really having a hard time seeing this rumor having any truth to it at all considering the amount of money PSG would demand for a player they signed for 60m last season

I realize you are a drunk American with very little knowledge about the situation, but publically saying something like that (especially to a newspaper/media) can have consequences for her relatives back in Russia.

Especially with that big sell-on clause because you just know more clubs are gonna drop their morals if he has a good couple of years at Lazio

Players spend a lot of time getting their hair just right for a tournament, its heartbreaking how baldies like Quaresma can get away with a hair ruffling like that on such a big stage

Add it to the list the frailboys over at r/MCFC will be too scared to ever discuss

Erik looks much more like Ray from Mr Inbetween than Walter


Er ekstremt vanskelig å få tak i bortebilletter for lokale United fans og. Tror de må ha hatt sesongkort i 4-5 år kun for å få være med i loddtrekningen om bortebilletter.

Enten må du nok ut med bra mange tusen for en bortebillett fra en resale side eller noe sånt, ellers så må du gjemme deg blant Palace fansen. Uansett lykke til!

You provided great entertainment while I was working from home, thank you for that.

"This moron thinks I support Norwich because of Josh fucking Sargent without realizing I spent several years in East Anglia as a child" Will live with me a long time!

Haha nothing at all mate its all jokes, he got upset by my american reddit moment joke for no reason so I went with it.

His "This moron thinks I support Norwich because of Josh fucking Sargent without realizing I spent several years in East Anglia as a child" comment made my day! It could be a r/soccercirclejerk copypasta


All you kids with no ball knowledge will hate on this but this shot was literally unsavable

I think better wording would be that Ineos is trying to drastically change the strategy of the previous regime, rather than just improve it