
If it's your ticket let me know the location and I'll send you a bottle of wine.

Edit: I'm actually leaning to it feeling cheeky to use the numbers, keep the ticket and be that good samaritan after the lotto people find the true identity of said ticket holder.

Edit 2: FFS.. you all taking it very seriously! It was a half joke post. Yes I found it, no I don't care if it wins and yes I would give it to the rightful owner regardless of reward, hope a penny or two would drop but cest la vie and all if not!

I love fish, to eat. However in the past few weeks there's been so many "fish parasite" posts. It's gonna have me forking through the flesh next time I "dive" into my fish dish!

To be fair, MySpace was all over the place in what it allowed. Could easily have been what Facebook became.

I can hear it now.. " 'e are lad, get that down ya"

My daughter said Facebook would be cool if you could add music and change your own layout. MySpace type thing will have a revival I'm sure.

The weapons he is carrying (SCAR and PKM). It is a lot of fire power so must be bad situations he's getting in.

If ever you're in war there's only one way to protect that cheese just like my daddy and his daddy before. There's nothing wrong with butt cheese!

I remembered put couldn't place it, thanks for the refresher.

Well you know I don't know if you know but kid says "forty"... "nine" you know. So if you know it may be legal you "know".

I know it's Thursday but this is too Barn-y for me if that makes sense.

At this point why not line all Boeing employees up and just have a firing squad. It makes financial sense, save on multiple hitmen, save on operational costs and Boeing obviously know how to riddle things full of holes.