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TVesday Thread

Morning all. What TV shows and/or movies have you been watching this week? Have you enjoyed them? Come in and tell us all about it.

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General Chat Thread [ 14 May 24 ]

It's the chat thread! A general thread to tell us about something you've seen or learned today. Nature pictures welcome, making me a coffee is also welcome.

Come in and have a chat.

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What are some of the stupidest customers you’ve encountered in your job?

My favourite from today (I work in a call centre for a bank):

Cust- I want to raise a claim and get my money back because yesterday a company charged my card for a monthly subscription that I cancelled!!

Me- Ah ok I understand. Ok let’s see what we can do. Firstly, when did you cancel the subscription?

Cust- Today…!

Me- Confused pause. Ah… ok, so then unfortunately you can’t get your money back…?

Cust- WHY NOT?

Me- Because you didn’t cancel it in time, you cancelled it today. So the company took the payment correctly…?

Cust (patronisingly)- No offence, but you’re not using your thinking hat. If I had cancelled it before-hand it wouldn’t have gone out and I wouldn’t have needed to waste my time speaking to you?

Me- Exactly. That’s the point. You didn’t give the company adequate notice of cancellation as per their T&C’s and only cancelled it after it came out. It would have needed to have been cancelled before-hand to prevent this happening…?

Cust- So then what’s the point of having this pointless dispute line if we have to cancel it before-hand anyway?

Me- Because we can raise a dispute if a company has charged you incorrectly or made an error. Not if you have made the error in forgetting to cancel a subscription in time and they have done nothing wrong in line with their T&C’s.

Cust: I’m reporting you for wasting my time! I’ve just waited 30 mins (it was 6) to get through to an agent for nothing. This bank is a SCAM and I hope you’re HAPPY!

Rage hangs up.

Like? Sorry where’s the logic here? How do some people genuinely get dressed in the morning…

Vernon Kay just jumped the queue at our local Nandos AND took all the napkins. He shall now become my celebrity nemesis.

Edit with more details: service station Nandos, mixed queue of people at the entrance including myself waiting for a online order, and people waiting for takeaways and tables. He bypasses the queue, goes to the takeaway station, grabs an empty bag and fills it with all the napkins, then rather than standing in the queue of people at the till, stands at another till where no one is working. Alas I got my order before I saw if they served him or I got the courage to call him out.

Overhead my plumber tell the plasterer, "I know it takes longer, but I want you to do it right".

In reply to a previous thread, when have you overheard a tradesperson and they've earned your loyalty?

Tyre shops asking “who fitted these tyres because-”

You did mate. “Ah ok let me look into that yeah”

Wish I hadn’t cut him off and heard his bullshit story. Anyone else had a tradesman or mechanic shoot themselves in the face?

Ironing board poll. Who's insane, me or partner?

Right then folks, help me win a very petty argument.

When putting the ironing board away in the cupboard vertically, which way up is the correct way up?

There's a bit where you place the iron when not actively ironing, does that go at the bottom or top?

In order not to influence the poll, I'm not going to tell you who's on what side of this yet, but I'll be very disappointed if you all prove me wrong!

Edit: After a strong early start for pointy ends up, the lead has been reduced to 3-2. Keep 'em coming!

Edit 2: This is much closer than I thought possible! An interesting theory developing about which end has the widest feet. Interesting!

Edit 3: Half hour in and pointy end down now seems to be winning! I'll give it another half hour and then declare the final result.

Edit the 4th: Final results time! We have 26 for pointy end down, and 19 for up. As a pointy end upper, I hate you all, you've ruined my life, I'll never live this down etc. etc.

However! All the most up voted posts have pointy end up, so while the vocal among you are downers, the silent majority are uppers!

As a result while my other half has the votes on her side, I'm claiming a moral victory. As such the war will rumble on, and on, and on.

Thank you all for your aid in this utterly useless endeavour!

Edit 5: We now have brigading going on. At least 3 people are actively down voting all of the pointy downers. I'm really not sure how I feel about this?

Are you in a rut of the same Dinner's each week? What does it look like for you?

Got chatting with some pals over the weekend around this after they saw our little meal-plan whiteboard on the fridge. What's just typically on the menu each week? What's those low-effort dinners you just wind up having again and again?

Myself (30M) and my partner (30F) tend to land around the same 4-5 meals:

• Sharwoods jar curry (every week without fail at this point)

• Mexican-style Wraps/ Fajitas

• Chicken Ramen (to be fair you can dress up the Nissin ones with a boiled egg, some spring onion and other bits and they're great)

Kale with Chorizo, Croutons and Boiled egg (we're into the summer rotation now)

• Spaghetti Bolognaise/ Chili Con Carne

• a Pie & Mash over the weekend if we're not out.

Maybe I can steal some new ones from the comments.

by mightypenguin66Man of Kent (Not a Kentish Man)
I've won the Jury lottery

As the title says, I've been selected for Jury duty in the summer (July). Never had to do anything like this before, does anyone have any tips on what to expect?

I swear there's no light jacket weather any more. It goes straight from full, winter down coat to T shirt weather in 2 days.

I was looking forward to wearing my new jacket but before it was too cold and now it's too hot. It's just my massive North Face or nothing.

Need some help finding a small village I went to and don’t know the name of.

It was about a 20 min drive from Winchester, but not sure which direction. I remember the name Alresford but I don’t think that was it.

Details I remember. One small “high street” of sorts. Flat road, no incline or decline. It had 45 degree parking to the kerb.

A river ran under the road. It narrowed under the road and on the narrow side, it had been redirected so that it took a 90 left turn. There were trout just sitting in it. It had “no fishing” signs.

The river, down to a stream by then, was directed right between two buildings and a pub was in the left I think. You could walk alongside it with houses in the left for a while, before it meandered out into the country.

There was a pub on the road that did a cracking roast and had really low ceilings inside. They had Thomas Crapper toilets in the men’s.

On the other side of the road, next to where the river/stream went underneath it, there was a coffee shop / cafe.

It was really very quaint indeed and any help to locate it would be very much appreciated!

Taskmaster-ish advice: my friend is hosting a quiz night and we have to bring ‘the most awkward thing for somebody to take home’

I have no idea what to bring to this quiz night! Apparently it has to be awkward to take home which to me makes me think either oversized/weirdly shaped, inconvenient, or makes them feel uncomfortable (in a funny way) Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

What's a food/drink you've just gone off/suddenly disliked for no real reason?

Bit of a random question but I've been wearing braces for almost two years now (should be coming off tomorrow) and today for the first time in a long time I had a Dr Pepper this morning and a Pepsi later today even though I shouldn't really be having soft drinks with a brace on.

However despite me liking both of these drinks for a long time, I don't really know how to explain it but I'm now just not struck on fizzy drinks in the slightest anymore, to the point that I basically dislike their taste?

I literally struggled to finish a can of pepsi and honestly I couldn't face finishing a 500 ml bottle of Dr Pepper, are there any foods that you used to eat a lot that you just suddenly can't stomach eating anymore?

What’s your most hilarious stereotypical British moment?

As it says, what has happened to you/you’ve seen that was hilarious and could only happen in England?