So so so bad by both parties poker is alive and well

It’s because as a mermaid she has one leg appendage but then she puts on pants now has two legs. And the guy is likely thinking about what’s between them.

Respectfully, this is an abysmal play from start to finish. But you’re focused on the wrong information by framing this question around pot odds. Instead, when thinking about a spot like this one, you should begin by considering what the Cutoff’s raising range looks like in this setup, and then determine whether they will ever raise-fold for only 12 more bigs (no player, especially at low stakes, is ever going to do that).

Yeah how did these dipshits not detect your sarcasm lol

So you see, when a restaurant is busy, they have to keep tables open for the hundreds of covers they may have on a given night. Not very hard to figure out.

So, I think you have to try to understand the picture

Bro he limp-called Aces pre. you have the effective nuts here and should go broke for many hundred bigs.

Ohhhh man. What a dick. Hope somebody at the table says something eventually

He’s never going to do it until the catcher makes a blatant bad throw

It’s a shame the silenced .22 smg gets no love… not the hardest hitting gun in the game but it’s sooo satisfying using it to spray and take down a group of enemies mobster style. 200 round drum go brrrrrrrr

Ya know, everybody always specifically refers to Caesar’s brain tumor; I’ve only done 2 playthroughs of the game but both times the legion guy at mcarrron just says he had headaches and looked sick. Is it just a drawn conclusion he has cancer or am I missing a part of that dialogue?

Yes it’s nice to be considerate in that way, but it’s completely unfair to everyone else at the table who will likely not receive the same treatment

Only drop shot. And then they did away with it for the season. So wack now I don’t play at all