Hello all, I just had a sudden thought (I am fully prepared for this to be a Buzz Lightyear clone meme but hear me out).

I think it is generally assumed that if the Courier had not gotten involved/ died at the start of the game, that the Battle for Hoover Dam would have lead to a Legion victory considering the precarious situation that the NCR are already in during the Couriers arrival in the Mojave, leading to the NCR to withdraw from the Mojave (as stated in the Legion victory ending).

But I just had this thought (watch this for the same pretense - "What if Caesar's Legion Won in Fallout: New Vegas? - Fallout Alternate History").

(Yes I do believe they would win the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, but not the war).

Now ther question is, if Caesars Legion controlled the entirely of the Mojave, wouldn't Caesars Legion still have a hard time taking the fight to the NCR proper considering the plethora of "allies" the NCR has?

As Gloria Van Graff states "And he (Caesar) doesn't have friends. Only servants. And the Van Graffs serve no one but themselves". as well as stating "My family has enough men and guns to field a small army".

Coupled with the fact the Gun Runners and the Crimson Caravan are almost certainly in the same position as the Van Graffs, (hiring mercenaries or having there own personal militia), and other enemies of the NCR, such as the Brotherhood of Steel and any other state actors that may well "ally" with the NCR as a matter of convenience against the Legion, and it is well to assume that the NCR would win any war against Caesars Legion due the afformentioned reasons as it's not just the New Californian military that they are going against, but against one or possibly two more armies, each with there own arsenal (one being entirely decked out with Plasma and Energy based weapons) and quite possibly another small army if we were to Include the Brotherhood of Steel, and that is now adding Power Armour to the equation as well.

I had this sudden thought because I have watched a lot of videos detailling that while the New California Republic would loose the Second Battle for Hoover Dam without the Courier's intervention and quite possibly the overall war, I never heard about the Van Graff's being taken into account.

The Gun Runners to a certain extent, but the Van Graff's and the Crimson Caravan to a greater one.

Afterall, I would think these organisation's would share the same mentality of "They're an enemy we can live with. This Caesar, on the other hand, is a different animal", and to me that's just better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

I also take into account by what Legate Lanius himself stated in support of the Legion not being able to invade NCR territory - "The East was a hard-fought campaign. Even now, Caesar drew too much of the Legion's blood needed there for... this".

Edit: All parts about this scenario are based entirely on what goes on in-game that the Courier did do, etc Ceaser dying due to his brain tumor as it is the Courier that saves Ceaser by removing his brain tumor, so if the Courier has died, Ceaser does so as well, (I'm not going to delve into Fan Fiction/ theory by saying that Ceaser could have kidnapped a Follower of the Applocaplse and say that they removed the Tumor as there are no hints in normal game-play that Ceaser would have done this).

What are all of your thoughts on this?