Restaurants being less busy?

It seems to me like pre-pandemic, restaurants were much more busy than they are now. It used to be that if you went to a restaurant during the week during prime lunch/dinner time, there would be a wait. On the weekends, there would be a much longer wait. Now, we rarely encounter a wait if we eat out during the week, and only occasionally have to wait 5-10 minutes during the weekend.

Have you experienced the same? If so, do you think it is a result of “tip fatigue” and/or insane tip expectations? Or is it just a product of inflation and people having less money for extras?

I know for our family, we eat out much less than we used to just because we got used to always eating at home during covid times, and realized it was much better quality, healthier, and economical. But, I also admit that having to add 20% to any meal we eat in a restaurant is just ridiculous.