The Jazz Generation - 1920's

Oh, You Kid! You may be the bees' knees, but you better take a powder, you know, do the big 23 Skiddo, before some bluenose birddogs the fuzz on you, and they find the bootleg hooch in that flivver of yours.


Hey, little fool! You're fine and all, but you better leave now, before a busybody tells the police about the illegal alcohol you've got in that crappy little car of yours.

Pretty annoying, huh?

She has that blandly beautiful Cheryl Tiegs thing going.

Far easier to apply sin taxes, as is done with booze and tobacco. Plenty of poor people don't smoke today because they can't afford it.

The fact that a Trump administration encore now seems the likely outcome means people are starting to think about what it means. That document is them saying what they intend to do.

Wait until nightfall. Toss a broken bottle in the pool. If you can't use it, nobody can.

I've been to more places than I remember. But at 65, the Eagle has landed. Plus, I've got cats. Plus I'm on the no-fly list.

For a hetero man, your mind seems to wander to thoughts of men in Speedos quite a bit.

Just saying.

Uh huh. I've never heard an Englishman say "this is bullshit".

I think what's bullshit is this story.

Women always know which kid is theirs. Men don't. This didn't seem to matter much until agriculture and civilization led to the ability to accumulate wealth, and triggered in men new reasons to know for sure which kid was theirs, so they could assign heirdom with confidence.

So what? When I had a hernia, I didn't expect everybody else to wear a truss.

However, we do understand telling snooty foreigners what they can do with their sneering complaints.

Former bully victim.

Stop it. Pick on somebody your own size.

If it makes you feel better, money is made of 25% cloth, so it's ultra abosrbent. By the time that bill got to you, all sorts of things you don't want to know about got rubbed into it.

Commentators are not limited by the parameters set out by the OP, nor by your attempt to gatekeep using them. Many people commented on my comments, and on the comments made on those comments. Apparently I'm on topic enough for them.

Being able to rapidly analyze and process information in different ways may look like thinking, but that doesn't mean it is thinking. Is that better?

Only the early boomers benefited from the zeitgeist and prosperity of 1960's, and even they had the specter of the draft, not to mention the riots tearing American cities apart.

One born in 1955 came of age in 1973, just in time for the first oil crisis, stagflation, sky rocketing unemployment, Watergate, the catastrophic end of the Vietnam War.

One born in 1960 came of age in 1978. Things had gotten worse in those five years. Entire industries - auto and steel manufacturing, railroads etc - fell apart, taking with them the hopes of millions of young adults for a good union job like the one dad had. America was nearly bankrupted, New York City WAS bankrupted. The dollar collapsed in value, unemployment approached 15%. Globally, America was defeated and humiliated, The USSR seeming to be coming out on top in the Cold War, as America's pathetic response to it brutally attacking and occupying an inoffensive neighboring country was to boycott the Moscow Olympics.

The last Boomers came of age in 1982. Mortgage rates of 12%, Unemployment rates of 10%. The government decided what was needed was tax cuts for the rich. It was a good time to have money, but it wasn't Boomers who had it. The people who became the Yuppies of the mid-1980's were born in 1950 or earlier. The first third of the cohort led very different lives from the two thirds that followed. Just saying.

In fairness, that seems the likely result of significant cognitive decline.

Agreed. And even if he got them to sign waivers, it won't protect him if them being in his yard attracts others to join them.

Don't worry, robots don't get sarcasm. They're like Sheldon, but less annoying.

I'm using a different adjective than he because the one he's using misses the point.

Sentience in this case is being wrongly reduced to having fast and multifaceted quasi-cognitive processing capacity and access to a big database. It doesn't make the robot human, it's still just a machine, which is the actual point.

A really peppy CPU and a ChatGPT emulator might make a machine SEEM to think and respond like a human, but it still isn't a human, it's still, sorry - JUST A MACHINE.