Hopefully this is an okay discussion because I’m really struggling. This is a very repetitive theme for me to pull. If there is a better sub, please let me know and I’ll post there instead.

I was in a relationship that was good but I had a bad gut feeling about his sister. I was right but ignored it for awhile for love (which I admit was wrong). Eventually I couldn’t and had to set a hard boundary with her. In the end, she destroyed our relationship because I enforced those boundaries. The full story of what she did is significantly worse but I think it’s on my page if you care. The cards have told me to hold my boundaries and trust my intuition post him leaving.

Trusting my intuition and setting those boundaries let to hurt. I know those boundaries saved me from a life of pain (regardless of how much it hurts now).

Here is the problem. My intuition is all over the board and I can’t clearly articulate anything. I have been trying to convince myself he’s never coming back and to move on but that almost makes the other side louder. I feel like I’m fighting known logic against myself and it’s drowning me. I’ve sat with my thoughts on my boundaries and feel (mostly) confident again but my intuition feels off.

What is a good way to meditate with this? Are there good spreads to help guide me? Any podcasts? I’m desperate to get my intuition back to clarity.

Edit: I know the difference between thoughts / logic, feelings, and intuition. I had to go through trauma therapy for PTSD so I understand the differences. It’s more of confusion lately due to it not making sense. I can separate my feelings very easily now. What it now feels like is my intuition and my thoughts screaming at each other. Right before my ex broke things off, it felt very similar. Something felt off but I couldn’t pinpoint it. I know others struggled but I paid a lot of money for this great intuition and would like it back 🤪

Someone had a 3 card pull recommendation but I was more confused afterwards. The first card was clear as day. The third card about trusting your intuition which I thought was hilarious. Took the night off and will try again later.