I'm 39, severely depressed and nihilistic about work. I've worked so many different jobs I can't count. Outreach worker, line cook, salesman, cashier, tutor, general laborer, valet, etc. I've never made more than $35,000 a year. I've never not been on food stamps. For whatever confluence of reasons, most of which could probably be related back to my physical and mental health problems (major depressive disorder, long term injuries and pain), I do not do well in the market.

I'm reaching out to the reddit community because I've been reading people's descriptions about how good their jobs are with their BA in sociology (which is what I have) and I can't help but think, wtf? What are they doing that I'm doing so wrong? Obviously as sociology majors, we can all recognize that markets, similar to industrialized school systems, don't serve everyone equally. Some people are much more well-adjusted to a particular social order than some others. I am not well-adjusted.

I feel absolutely exhausted from working for over 2 decades only to get me to where I am now, which is borderline homeless. The "successful" people I've talked to all admit, in one way or another, it came down to luck and moments where you just had to bs your way into more money. My job history sucks, so I literally need to make it up in order to even get a chance at an interview.

As I read your descriptions of finding a well-paying job with your undergrad degree in sociology, I literally can't believe it. It seems like a different reality from the one I've been living in. How do you get paid for your sociological imagination in 2024? How do I build an online professional avatar that doesn't look as bad as mine does in reality? How much can I lie in my resume to get to where I want to be? How do I sell myself as more than just someone who wanted to study social science in college to understand why I feel so incredibly alien in my own culture and country? (which is the truth)