In 2021, I started a business in what turns out to be an industry with extremely low profit margin. We are at the mercy of contractors at every turn due to low labor supply and high rates / almost non-existent markups. The first year we grossed around 300 (I made about 20k), second year 450 (I made 25k), this year averaging between 65-80k per month (Will be about 2500-3k per month). I am so burned out from giving this business my all that I have started to be indifferent about almost everything. I have become short with clients and have fired every client that smarted off to me in any way. Today I called a client an insufferable manchild and told them to lose my number. Before stating a business I was a very kind person, and never would have said this to anyone.

I had made a plan to talk to my partner about selling my share. THE DAY OF THE MEETING, a new contractor called wanting to more or less work with us full-time. Having a new employee means I can grow some, but marginally. However it also means our reputation is good among contractors and people do want to work with us because of our fast payment and generally good reputation.

I want to walk away, but feel even if I sold my share (50%) for 4x yearly profit around 100k, it wouldn’t be worth the years I put into it. How do you know when to walk away when the value you can get from selling your share could never be worth the effort you put into the business? Has anyone hit rock bottom and learned to care again- and how?