Hello! I hope I find here a little bit of help with investments I had made in my retirement accounts.

I guess regardless of how much I have in this and that, I guess what I am trying to do is to remove those that overlap so I can sell those and reinvest in the slightly better option. I tried diversity so it is not just US market (although EU market really sucks) anyway ...

Please keep in mind, I am very new to learning and investing (on top of it, numbers is not my thing) so appreciate your patience and I do appreciate your time.

Do any of these overlap? If so, between those that overlap, is there historically better option to choose? Anything I should throw away right away or something that I absolutely miss in my portfolio?

  1. SCHF
  2. VGK
  3. FNDA
  4. VOO
  5. DJIA
  6. VTSAX (keeping this one for sure)
  7. SPY