We have been married for two years and four in total at the relationship. I (35M) met her while I was actively dating others. Soon after I met F (33F) and I had a relationship that lasted over a year with her. I haven’t had my other significant relationship with someone else since.

The other day we were talking about our future and she told me she didn’t wanted me to have another partner, that she did not want to be in that situation again. She knows this exact same thing happened to me before, a girl I loved did the same thing and I broke with her and it was really painful for me. I tried to be monogamous for her and it didn’t worked, I felt I was betraying myself while I was trying.

Now I feel I’m at the same spot once again, but this time I’m married, this time we both agreed at the start of the relationship that we were going to be polyamorous. I know she can opt out anytime she wants, is her life and her decision on how to live it.

I don’t know if I’ll ever be with someone else in a relationship besides her, I’m not pursuing it, nor looking for someone. I just love having the freedom to follow my heart if someday happens.

I would really love to have some perspective and advice on how to handle this

Thanks in advance


Thanks very much for all your advice and perspective. After a very painful conversation we agreed to end things and pursue happiness in our own individual way