She did call. Stop deepthroating the boot.

Honey, you were born gay, you can’t change it, and a loving God wouldn’t ask you to

Oof yeah that’s pretty likely. Cool girl always ends up neurotic and depressed 😔

Girls tell. People always find out.

Now beyond that: it would make you the bad guy. Actively deciding to cheat on someone to harm them on purpose- that’s abusive.

I think you need therapy and you need to let this girl find someone who isn’t going to try and hurt her.

I don’t know that your husbands friends are reliable narrators, cause I will say, men also often express being “not allowed to go out” when they mean “my partner gets upset if I abandon all my household duties on her every night”. I can believe those convos exist because I’ve also heard them. When you dig a little deeper, they’re often more rational.

But this specific scenario OP is describing sounds too specific and too off to be true.

She looks 20 now.

But yeah most of her fans were into her when she was a little child and they’re def still pedophiles even though she aged out

I dunno something doesn’t add up here.

This doesn’t sound like real conversations you’re having with real people unless you’ve somehow surrounded yourself with completely neurotic individuals. It feels kind of like a humble brag over soemthing that doesn’t warrant bragging. It’s just normal to not dictate all your partners time.

I might be wrong but if I am, you should get new friends. This is strange.

Teenagers do stupid shit. You don’t threaten a child, you speak to your kid.

This guy has some weird incestuous thing going on with his daughter. They react like that cause they feel threatened instead of handling it reasonably.

Uh huh. You were such a good teenager! You were so much better than all the gutter trash. Do you feel better now?

Emotionally incestuous at best, straight up angry he’s taking his “spot” at worst.

I knew too many dads like this growing up. They were fucking gross and weird about their daughters.

Oh sure. You were so mature and special and you never did ANYTHING classless with your imaginary girlfriend. Glad to hear it.

I thought it was clear that I mean she should “let it escape” but actually actively get rid of it

Yeah fetishes don’t really discriminate. Big dominant, soft delicate, rough and tumble sorts… anyone can be into this

Low neuroticism is a funny one because every real hotwife I know is a highly anxious control freak myself included.

We’re also pretty evenly split down the middle between “chill” girls and princess types. Princess types are more dominating.

I think you’re describing a very specific kind of hotwife. Probably your own partner. But IRL, its a far more diverse group

No shit. But this isn’t a vague “you could die”, this is a “you’re almost guaranteed to have life long ramifications of a highly traumatic medical event”.

Never met a woman who gave birth and didn’t have pelvic floor issues after 🤷🏻‍♀️

All rights end where another’s begin. Human rights are for everyone, but once you violate another’s, it’s a socially accepted and legally accepted convention that you forfeit them.

For example: if you kill your rapist while they are raping you, you have denied them the human right of life. This is still seen as morally and legally acceptable, because human rights aren’t actually “real” or intrinsic. They’re a moral obligation, and that obligation shifts contextually.

poly w/multiple

I mean, sometimes that’s true.

Not always though.

She has an eating disorder and body dysmorphia. That’s why she did it.

Not everything is about men, I’m sick of hearing about them all day every day.

Wanting & doing are two different things. Most women WANT children. They just have more choices as far as the circumstances around those kids. They put it off because you no longer HAVE to submit to poverty, your husbands sexual appetite, being solely responsible etc

I believe you’re being pedantic about an obvious fish for more fetish content. You’re not cuckolded the way cuckoo birds are.

It’s gross to use rape in an example and try and center men’s emotions about it, especially when you’re literally posting in a fetish subreddit and arguing for a world where this is a more “normalized” occurrence. It’s just weird.

Probably does. But that’s not a bad thing. People being responsible about the kids they have is a good thing.

Nah, as someone who worked birth & bereavement for a long while, and has been pregnant, those horrors are VERY real, even if you disagree with the ideology of the people talking about them.

Pregnancy is never safe. It’s just safer at times.

She’s not exactly wrong.

A woman objectively has more risk associated with pregnancy and birth. But if you marry a man, it’s generally assumed that you have similar values and WANT to work together on shared goals such as having a family.

It’s not like he’s specifically wanting to seek and convert a childfree woman (I’ve met SOME but very few men who were convinced they could “convert” women that don’t want kids, but they were viewed as, rightfully, loony).