hello. so i’m really uncomfortable and wanting to make sure i’m not overthinking this. anyways, i met a couple here on reddit about a week ago and they started courting me. they both took me out out to eat and drink on 2 separate occasions. anyways, last night (12/8), the guy wanted to come please me orally. i was almost down but i wasn’t for sure i wanted to because 1. i prefer to plan things out in advance and 2. i had to deeeep clean my apartment because i’m having a photoshoot at my place today, so i really wanted to focus on cleaning and not half-ass it or whatever. i took a 35 minute break to freshen up and grab food and he called once while i was in the shower. i obviously didn’t answer. as soon as i checked my phone, i see he’s texting me telling me he’s on the way even though i never fully agreed to having him over and the only reason he has my address is because i gave it to him at our date (obviously a big mistake) because we were going to get together that same night but things came up on their end. i’m truly uncomfortable with him just telling me he’s on his way without actually confirming it with me. i feel like he crossed boundaries and i don’t think i want to continue talking to them. however, i am open to insight and opinions. OH and it’s important to not that this kind of stuff (polyamory + being a unicorn) is very new to me. thank you.