So after basically only playing Classic and only really dipping my feet into Endless a couple of times, I started off my first serious Endless run lately. And holy moly, this is not fun at all.

I mean, I have caught tons of legendaries, shinies and hidden abilities, which is obviously great. But that's about it. Once you get to a certain stage, it's just not fun anymore. The balancing is horrible, which leads to you oneshotting everything that isn't a boss. So if you wanna catch something that has a low catchrate and you don't wanna chuck a masterball at it, good luck.

On the flipside, it doesn't matter how much you outlevel a boss or if you have a type advantage, every fight is a struggle. This is, if you don't follow one or two straight meta gameplans (Metal Burst, Sturdy, Run Away). I just don't enjoy any aspect of it except for finding tons of shinies and legendaries.

Wondering what you guys think, imo some balancing is needed.