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Christmas (S7, E12)- Buck thoughts goof?Spoiler

In the 1992 Christmas episode, Al gives all the kids (even Seven sadly) and Peg great gifts except Buck. Al responds to him saying he's just a dumb dog. Then we hear Buck's thoughts about what he hid in Al's.

It was later revealed that it all in Al's head. If it was just in Al's head, how can he have a thought? Was Al imaging Buck's thoughts too?

Want to get some input here: I watched 976-SHOE, but I had trouble enjoying it. I felt that the family wasn't laughing together or teasing; it felt like they were laughing at Al, bullying him, putting him down, insulting his dignity. Am I missing some comedic effect here?

Just want to hear what others find enjoyable about it, and maybe about some certain senes of humor I am missing.

It just felt to me like Al was a punching bag, and it wasn't a family that was in on the jokes together. Even insulting his job and status in society. Just lots owords that would make someone feel worthless, which is different from a light tease on someone.

What do you all enjoy about the show?

Cheese critters?

in the married with children episode at the zoo, al is eating something out of a can that he calls cheese critters. What are cheese critters? He reads the label and it says: "put cheese critters in water and watch them grow, keep out of reach of children", then he eats it. The ChatGPT said it was a snack food, but I corrected him and then he changed his story saying its a type of novelty item or toy that expands when placed in water. I'm guessing there sea monkeys but I cant find anything about a old product called cheese critters.

Why did Steve keep coming back?

If David Garrison left the show because he missed live theatre, why did he keep coming back? And why did he come back for an episode that was a backdoor pilot for a spinoff?

My husband had me fooled, he says he is sorry but this time I can’t move past it

I caught my husband searching his co workers only fans and constantly watching his other female co workers Snapchat’s without having her added and when I confronted him 2 years ago about searching them on instagram, he gaslit me into thinking I’m crazy and he would never do such thing just to come clean and confess it now. He hasn’t worked with these girls for over a year and still seems to be obsessing over them by watching their socials behind my back. He claims he never had any feelings or attractions, he was just bored and curios. We have been together 7 years and he has always lusted over other girls but always denied it , my gut always knew and I would always have wild dreams but he claims it was all in my head. Yet all his lies have came to light and it just feels so hard to forgive him this time. He claims this time is different and he will actually stop lying to me and searching girls and watching porn behind my back. But it’s been 7 years of this behavior and lies. We both have a 1 year old and I want to leave my husband but my son is the only thing still keeping me here .. what should I do ..