My girlfriend (F35) was in an emotionally abusive relationship with her ex-husband. She escaped the relationship by filing for divorce - she didn't want his money or financial support, she just wanted to ensure 50-50 custody.

He made so many irrational demands (including 100% custody) that his lawyer ultimately fired him. But he did have "right of first refusal for childcare" in the event she is out-of-town in cluded in the agreement.

The last three times for drop off, she arranged for her mother to be at home so she did not have to see him as he remains emotionally abusive. He is now demanding proof of her whereabouts before he will drop the boys off. This seems to me that he is trying to control her behavior.

If he does not drop off the boys, does she have any immediate legal recourse (e.g. call the police) or does she need to give him her location?