You must take on a part time job working as a cashier at a gas station. You must also quit your current job if you have one.

You canbot tell anyone the real reason you're doing it.

If anyone who doesn't already know you asks, you cannot tell the truth about your background.

You just have to act like or imply that this has always been your "career status," and that you just never has the ambition or work ethic or intelligence to make anything of yourself.

If anyone asks how you can afford your lifestyle on part time gas station employee pay, you just have to say some deceased relative left you a trust fund or annuity that is conditional on you having a job, so you never saw the need to have any ambition.

It's not your finances that suffers in this scenario,, it's your reputation.

Also, you must work there for at least twenty years in order to "retire." If you quit, or do anything to get yourself fired before then, the pension ends.

And yes, you get a paycheck from the gas station on top of the pension, but that's a pretty insignificant part of your total pay here.

Do you take the deal?