Time to complain that she’s harassing you by nitpicking your yard. Get your actual neighbors together and go complain about her behavior to the city as a group. Explain that you have no problems with each other’s yards, you all recognize when the weather has prevented mowing, but she hassles you with these petty complaints all the time despite not living particularly close to you.

Yeah exactly. Their attitudes about withholding inheritances from their kids are just the cherry on top, and something THEY harp on to make their kids seem worse. “Oh my kids are so mad that I’m not leaving them an inheritance” are they? Really? Or are they actually upset with you for a lifetime of being expected to drop everything to help you whenever you whistle, while you at best ignore their problems and do nothing to help them when they could use a little leg up to get past a rough spot in life, and at worst actively create problems and impediments to their success?

And my point is that’s still not an ok time to misgender someone. You can make the point that she’s politically working against her own interests as a trans person without misgendering her.

It’s not too soon to express that you don’t feel respected, that you feel like they aren’t trying to get your name and pronouns right, and that you’re finding it upsetting to still be referred to that way.

It IS normal for even very supportive people to sometimes mess up out of habit, particularly when your coming out is very new, but they should be paying enough attention to catch themselves and correct it, and getting it right some of the time too.

The POINT of “don’t wear a white dress to a wedding” is “don’t dress in a manner where a reasonable bystander could assume you’re the bride (unless you are in fact actually the bride).

It looks like a dress a bride might wear. If I saw a random group that looks like a wedding party and includes a woman in this dress, I would assume she’s the bride. So regardless of if it’s technically the palest shade of pink known to man or beast, that’s a no.

If their love were truly unconditional, they’d never refer to it in the past tense unless the person they loved had died.

Someone got their period unexpectedly while sitting there, is my thought.

The Salamander Woods button-up from MorningWitch. It’s an interesting and eye-catching print in a color family that suits my complexion extremely well.

I once wore it and was complimented about it by literally every single person I interacted with that day. (Other times I’ve worn it I’ve still gotten compliments, just not necessarily from EVERY interaction. That day I had put a little more effort than usual into my overall look.)

My nmom used to try to convince me that others would be constantly judging my every move, mocking me if I set one toe out of line. I once wore a colorful outfit that was full of clashing patterns in a put-together kind of way for “crazy dress up day” at school and she insisted that all the compliments I got on it were fake and those people actually all just wanted to laugh at me for thinking their appreciation of the look (which, again, was for a themed dress-up day, the point of which was to wear something really zany for fun) could possibly be genuine.

And of course all the years she constantly found fault with my bedroom if it wasn’t magazine-perfect or if my closet door was even open, insisting that I had to shut the blinds lest the neighbors judge me. For… living in my house and owning clothing? Apparently? She never was clear on exactly what I was supposedly going to be “judged” about.

That kind of relentless insistence that people are making fun of you for any and everything even the slightest bit individual or messy from a young age does a number on a psyche.

You can use these with any craft that produces a grid layout. You could cross stitch them, you could bead them, you could use them for colorwork in knitting or crochet. They’re charts for color placement.

NTA. The staff needed to be told. They need to know that the dispensers are contaminated, it IS a food-safety issue.

Parents who can’t stop their children from licking everyone’s food or at least take responsibility for noticing that they did it, ending the problem behavior quickly (if necessary by physically removing the child from the situation) and notifying staff of the sanitation issue, should not bring their kids out in public.

You did in fact deliberately misgender her.

I think we tried Jack Daniels. I’m not certain though, it was a very busy night and I poured way too many drinks to have a clear memory of any particular one.

I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. Acting is acting, it’s all about portraying a character who isn’t you.

It’s good for trans actors to have access to jobs, but it’s also good to normalize the idea that a trans guy is just a guy, really. If he’s been on T for a while he’s gonna have a masculine voice, a lot of trans guys’ voices do end up sounding pretty indistinguishable from cis guy’s voices (with individual variation of course, but broadly speaking).

Just approach the role respectfully and do your best to portray the character as a whole person.

This whole post is a cascade of red flags. Girl, dump his ass YESTERDAY.

  • he doesn’t contribute equitably to household chores (annoying to start with)

  • he uses expensive gifts to “buy” winning arguments. Sketchy. Red flag for control issues already.

  • he was making you feel unsafe enough you wanted to leave your own home to get away from him.

  • he then drove drunk, broke your stuff, and harassed your family.

LEAVE HIM. Kick him out and change the locks. Applying for a restraining order would not be overreacting.

Yeah if it’s an astrology symbol people will just maybe poke fun, not assume OP is a raging bigot.

You could cover this up with an image that represents your daughters and then add the full birthdate underneath the image, to have it centered.

Let’s not misgender trans people to “get back” at them for having shitty opinions. That’s just low.

She deserves criticism for many reasons. She also deserves the bare-minimum amount of respect that any cisgender person who deserves the same criticisms for the same reasons would get by default.

Yeah I tried a lion’s mane thing one time, I felt off afterward, I figure I’m probably just one of the people who’s allergic to lion’s mane (it felt similar to how my system responds to other things I’m allergic to — I’m not prone to anaphylaxis but I’ll get headaches, brain fog, digestive disruptions).

Might try it again sometime in a very small quantity just to make sure, but I generally figure if something makes me feel bad once I should probably not go out of my way to eat it twice.

But it would be absurd to insist that peanuts are bad for everyone just because some people are allergic to them. Just don’t eat stuff that you react badly to!

Also, the relatively high likelihood of individual bad reactions to generally-edible mushrooms is why foraging advice is to always test a small amount of any new one you haven’t eaten before, and see how it treats you, rather than going ham on a big serving the first time you try it.

Yep. A big turning point for me was when I spent literally hours explaining, calmly, that specific things my mom regularly did actually really hurt my feelings etc etc. She acted like she understood, and was sorry, and would change her behavior.

Less than a week before she was back on the exact same bs and when I pointed it out like “this is what I was talking about last week” she was like “well I’m entitled to my opinions, you’re too sensitive” gaslight gaslight gaslight.

And that’s when I first really knew she was never gonna change and it was a waste of my time to fight to repair a relationship she had no real interest in.

“At least I’m enjoying my life. You need a hobby”.

Those people aren’t worth fighting to convince.

While wearing crown #1, I use a paint-on sealer to stabilize a second crown against water. This becomes my Shower Crown.

I also purchase some spray-on dry shampoo, to reduce how often I need to wash my hair.

It’s not that hard to leave your phone and wallet in the car when you go into the dollar store.