edit I should have included plants too so let's just say yes it includes plants also. /edit

This would make room for native local species to get back to their original ecological niche and not be outcompeted.

The question is do you do this, why or why not.

There's no monkey-paw or tricky genie rule here, no humans will be killed, and it won't kill any animals from those species who are actually IN their proper habitats...

edit IT SAYS NO HUMANS WILL BE KILLED FFS. Although now I'm considering an exception for humans who don't read the entire OP before answering. /edit

But this would do things like clear the rabbits from Australia, the lionfish from the Atlantic coasts, cane toads in a lot of places, those giant Japanese hornets (except from Japan), et cetera. Various ant species that have come across on ships...

Bottom line is, anything currently "declared" (ie. by scientists) to be "invasive" to a given area, will just peacefully drop dead within that area. This includes eggs and such. And their bodies will remain so the energy is reabsorbed into the local environment.

And it's a one-time thing, so scientists can't figure out a way to weaponize this to get rid of more species later on.

edit livestock and domesticated animals are exempted, even if they are the same species as invasive feral counterparts, PROVIDED science makes the same distinction when designating "invasive." (examples pigs/hogs, housecat/feral cat, et cetera)