Ok thanks. I just went over it with 3k paper and I can see it more clearly now.

It's just a little yard tool for my fiance, so I'll just leave it in there I suppose. It's functional.

Second knife ever is complete.

I do! Both my knees, but especially my left one, have this. I totally get the hollow feeling. For me, bringing my lower leg up and flexing my knee muscles helps move things back in place. Sometimes if pops, but other times I just feel things move around and back into place.

My left knee is the worst. It can go from uncomfortable to "my knee isn't going to move that way without snagging" in a moment. To fix that, I have to pop my knee.

I think its tendons going around your knee cap slipping around. Idk. I've wondered if it's some kind of condition before but I haven't seen what it is.

I'm happily engaged, and I love that I am on second shift and she's not. It's quiet. It's peaceful. It's not that I don't enjoy spending time with her, but that I enjoy spending time with myself as well. To myself, I'm good company.

I'm new also, but I feel like I can recommend at least making some wall hooks and the tools required to make wall hooks. They're fairly simple, and useful.

A fancy wall hook with a twisted pattern needs what you already have, and a vice.

Watch someone on YT make a hook, follow them, and see if you have the fire bug like I do. In the process of making a simple hook, I made a hot chisel and a punch so I could finish my hook. For me, it is about troubleshooting and working with what I have. I had an antique store nearby that had some old tools which I turned into tools that I needed to finish my project. Boom!

Now, not only do I have a hook, but also the tools to make many more hooks! There's something magical about turning something so rigid as steel into something else entirely of your own will and imagination, whether simply practical or beautiful. Or both, if you can manage it.

For now, I'm looking around at things I need at home, or things I want. I wanted a knife capable of batonning wood, so I made a knife that can baton wood. My fiance needed a knife capable of cutting delicate leaves, so I made her one. I need a wall hook for wrapping my extension cord up, so I am making one. Stuff like that (at least for now.)

My best friend is gay. He also never leaves home without at least a .45 caliber. The only two girls I'm close with are my fiance, who I would not put into danger, and maybe one of my coworkers who doesn't pack heat.

I'll take my best friend, whom I trust with my life, over endangering my partner.

Greetings! Welcome to the Survivor's Cabin. In the lockbox to your left is the cooked wolf meat, the container under the bed is where the water is, and the safe in the corner has all you need to patch your torn up clothes.

I've been here since beta as well, although not here per se. I remember a time before the revolver. I remember a time before where a forge was just a pipe dream. We were there, and we are still here, prowling like the wolves around that one freaking ice hut in ML.

Minimum? 3000 dollars a day.

I went through this for a period of about a year and a half. Every other night I'd have a nightmare where I was alone, watching my grandma die after her ventilator was removed. I was there in the real life when she passed. The desperate sounds she made were awful, and it was easily the worst moment of my life, although I'd still rather have been there with her and suffer than not be there for her. She was my world. This dream would go on for what felt like hours. I'd wake up, sometimes gasping, sometimes on the verge of tears. Just as that was settling down, my other grandma had a stroke.

She was aware of how bad it was at some level. When I showed up after travelling 1000 miles to see her, she knew it was bad, and she began to cry like I've never seen her cry... never seen anyone cry... The toughest woman I knew was turned into a sobbing mess from a stroke and my sudden presence. Sadly, the stroke hit where you form words, so she couldn't say anything, but I swear she mouthed "I love you." That was more closure than I had in the first one. More than I had when I lost my grandpa right before these.

The cure was drinking myself to sleep. I can't remember why, but alcohol apparently inhibits dreaming to a degree. I'd still have the nightmare, but I wouldn't remember it because of the work the alcohol would do on my amygdala or whatever.

Good news is that since then I've bought a house, cut back drinking somewhat, picked up new hobbies, and in general have been doing the right thing. I just haven't shaken the drinking problem. I've always had problems with sleep, even before the hospital visits, but I've been steadily doing better. I want to make all three proud of me in some aspect.

Do you have any contact with his side of the family anymore?

While he wasn't a killer (afaik), my mom dated a narcissistic sociopath of the umpteenth degree. I still have contact with his side of the family because I'm engaged to his niece, and he's been disowned by them all! He tried to convince my mother that I was in the closet, and now I'm engaged to his niece. Suck it, Steve.

A trebuchet. Did you know they can throw a 90kg stone over 300 meters?

Don't need to quarter the moose if it's already split into parts.

Where I live, there was a factory that dealt with magnesium that went up in flames. It was so hot, and the fire so big, that we could see the glow of it from my home town 8 miles away.

What is the worst or biggest fire you've ever answered?

No, but it's possibly the game I've came back to most.

I'm currently playing Robin Hood Sherwood builders because it was on sale. I've probably played 5-6 games this year at least.

What exactly was the psychedelic part? Did the tumor start affecting your motor functions?

The last time I commented on what I thought about what we should be voting with I was banned.

Metallica and Megadeth. The latter released an album like a year or two ago. I think both are still touring. Same with Atreyu. Quite a few of the older metal bands are still around, like Disturbed, even.

Hell, don't get me started on Willie Nelson.

Quick Edit: Yes, it hurts me to call Disturbed an old band. I've come to terms with it.

I completely didn't realize they would avoid you at a simple fire. That changes a lot. I was always worried they bum rush me like normal. I didn't realize a simple fire did that...

That kinda takes the worry out of me, and gives me yet another reason to keep accelerant on hand!

Ok Russian Bot. We all know Alaska is a Russian psyop also. Nothing exists above the 48N. Toronto exists, but that's a city-state.

Stay Woke Sheeple.

Should've been eating your Stunaek all along and this wouldn't have happened.

Glad you're back at it! Stay healthy, and make sure to drink your Ovaltine!

Thoughts on how to deal with Timberwolves? Discussion

As we all know, the most recent zone has enough TWs to fill a high school gymnasium 6 wolves deep. I only have so much ammo, and the prospect of returning to Bleak Inlet to fight off those wolves so I can make more ammo to fight these wolves off is a little off-putting. I'm so close!

Is there any other ways to deal with these wolves other than obscene violence? How effective are flares really against them? I'm on ~day 250 and I'd probably cry if I failed this close to my goal. My goal, however, seems to be on the other side of a mountain of wolves and teeth.
