Re-Reading Deathly Hallows again, I don’t understand why it was a common take that Hermione was slow on her feet and isn’t good in stressful situations. Compared to Harry and Ron, she’s not as good as those two, but there’s a notion that she’s just not good in those situations regardless when it just isn’t true.

It was true in like the first 4-5 books, but after that, she was doing really good things really fast.

For Example, during the chapter’s Xeno Lovegood and Tale of the Three Brothers, she noticed that there was an Erumpent Horn that can cause a massive explosion which eventually was the reason the Lovegood’s house exploded as Xeno tried to stun Harry which he dodged and hit the Horn causing the explosion, when Sewlyn and Travers arrived, she devised a plan to hide Ron to protect his family and Ron’s whereabouts and made sure Sewlyn and Travers saw Harry to make sure Luna would stay alive as it would look that Xeno Lovegood was telling the truth.

This is just one example, she was doing this the entire book, the amount of times she did this was pretty impressive.