So I was texting with this guy on an app and he eventually told me to send a pic of myself, so I did. His response was "You are not my type, sorry", so I told him it was fine and I'm glad he was honest instead of ghosting me. And I can't make this up, his literal response to that was "See you later, ugly" and "Sorry, but you're really ugly"; I was shocked because I've never been straight up called ugly before- Like I can tell when people think I'm ugly or unappealing, I'm not stupid, but no one's ever actually said it.

I'm not entirely sure how to feel. On one hand, I'm pretty hurt, not because of what he said, but the tone of it, but on the other hand, I found it kinda funny since I think I'm a pretty decent looking dude, nothing special, but not bad looking either. What do you guys think? Has something like this ever happened to anyone else?

(I know this is probably something that happens normally but it's the first time it happened to me, so bear with me please lol. Also I'm only 19, so I'm assuming this won't be the last time it occurs)

Edit: I love you all đŸ«¶đŸŸ (No homo, but also yes homo)