Edit - just to be clear, I know the internet has been round a long time, but it certainly wasn’t as accessible, especially as a child.

With the internet today it is so easy to get information on all our games, cool tricks and glitches you can take advantage of. What was the thing you did before the internet that you later found out was a thing?

Mine was on Pokemon Red and Blue. I remember the revelation vividly, I wasn’t sure it would work but I felt like a genius. All my friends on our street used to play out on bikes and all the normal kid stuff. Then in the evening we would get the gameboys out and play some pokemon and trade cards etc. At this point everyone had played through the game. It occurred to me one night while at home that maybe you could start the game with all 3 starter Pokemon. The idea was that 2 people would start a new game. Player A would choose Squirtle, player B Charmander or Bulbasaur. Player A would go and find a random, easy to catch pokemon. Then, using the link cable, Player A would trade the random pokemon with player B’s starter. Player B would then start a new game and get the 3rd starter pokemon and the process was repeated. The final step was for player A to then trade all 3 starter pokemon with player B. After the trade player A would switch the gameboy off without saving. Both players now have all 3 starters.

It wasn’t until I grew up and told people about this that it was actually quite a normal thing that everyone had figured out.

It doesn’t sound crazy, but red and blue launched in 1999 in the UK. In 1999 I was 9. I felt like a genius.