How are you all keeping ammo for your weapons? I am constantly out. Currently stuck and not able to do any of my quests bc none of my stuff has ammo. I’ve been playing for a few months now and this is constantly an issue. What tips and tricks do y’all have for newish Xbox players, I’m even open to weapon recommendations? I always loot everything in the events and everywhere I go. I’m super slow bc I can’t pass up any areas I could loot. I’m not good at aiming tho, so it takes me a lot to take out an enemy!

Edit: thank you all so so much for all the advice, comments, and help! Also thank you to those offering me their ammo and to the user who even gave me ammo. This community is amazing and I appreciate it soo much! I will take all this advice and use it in my journey! I can’t wait to someday help a player out like you’ve all helped me! Thanks again💕