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Due to a massive increase in rule-breaking trade-related posts and the increase in complaints related to them, we will start issuing temporary suspensions for making these types of postsSubreddit

What's happening?

There has been a massive spike in rule-breaking posts, most of them being related to trading, begging for free items and price checks. As such, moderators will start issuing temporary suspensions of 5 days for these posts. We appreciate all of the reports you in the community have made, to help us with the increased influx of these posts, to ensure swift removal. We've also seen your complaints in comments and modmails about them.

Why is this happening now?

The choice to issue temporary suspensions was made when we hit the mark of over 100 trade posts being submitted in less than a 24-hour period, despite having a rule against trading. These post removals have spiked over 900% compared to other removal reasons over the last several months. The rule (number 10) is mentioned when joining the community, shown in our sidebar, included in the post guidelines, and shown at the time of posting in different ways on different platforms.

Where can players trade?

There are many trade communities out there that offer systems to check trust levels of players, have services to ensure fair and safe trades, have price checking services, and many other aspects dedicated specifically to trading and ensuring a great experience with it. While we don't endorse any specific communities, they are easily found on both Reddit and Google by searching "Fallout 76 trading", "Fallout 76 market" or "Fallout 76 price check". You can also use the trade forums on The Fallout Network Discord.

What about real-money trading?

Posting about real-money trading will still lead to a permanent ban. This rule is not changing. RMT is against Bethesda's Terms of Service and as such we don't allow any posts describing or promoting these services or similar avenues that can lead to unsuspecting players having their entire accounts suspended or terminated.

What if a post got removed wrongly?

If you made a post that got removed for a violation of rule 10 and you believe this to be in error, you are encouraged to contact moderators through mod mail. Moderators will review your post and reply as soon as they are able to do so.

Thank you for reading, and see you in Appalachia!

Pinnedby TonyQuarkModerator:overseer: Overseer
An Update on Dangerous Pastimes - 6/25News

Howdy Everyone,

We wanted to confirm that Dangerous Pastimes has been disabled while the team addresses a few issues around event. We expect to reactivate it after an update in the near future.

We’ll keep you all updated as we have more info to share!

Pinnedby Ghostly_Rich:beth: Bethesda - Community Manager
PSA: Minerva's sale is currently up in FoundationOther

Noteworthy plans this week include the Gauss Minigun (normally only obtainable with Ally raider reputation), Shielded Lining Secret Service Underarmor mod (plans for the underarmor itself are on sale next week), and the full set of Thorn Armor. All at 25% less than they'd cost elsewhere.

Congratulations, Biv, on nearly 3 weeks of sobriety!Bug

Ever since Skyline Valley, Biv E. Ridge has been unable to start the "Tipsy Taste-Test" and "Wasted on Alcohol" daily quests.

Whilst I'm happy that he's decided to to sober up this makes the fermentable alcohol plans and Greek Letters set unobtainable.

If others could verify this bug and report it, it would hopefully help getting it fixed.

What is your main build and weapon of choice? Discussion

What is your main build and weapon of choice?

Pipe : Pipe is life? Discussion

I just found a strange pipe with fumes coming from it. A corpse was laying near it with a letter that was titled Pipe. I opened it and it said "Pipe is LIFE". LOL... Then I noticed that the pipe gave the option to sniff the fumes. 🫣😅 Everything got a little furry! What exactly was that and what did it do?

First racist encounter in gameDiscussion

I've encountered the usual offensive language and toxic behavior in online games before. But I never expected it from THIS game. While casually browsing player camps, as I often enjoy doing, I stumbled upon a vendor who immediately opened fire on me without provocation. To add insult to injury, they followed up with a vile, racially-charged message, telling me "no basketball players allowed" and that "this is Whitespring, not BLACKspring." I was so angry that I even messaged another player, asking for help to nuke their camp (I don't know how to nuke). But I got no response. I ended up trying to go through Silo Alpha on my own, but kept dying and eventually just gave up out of frustration. sigh.

If this was you and you're seeing this, fuck you. But, to the rest of our community, I wish you a Happy Fasnacht!

Are the servers downQuestion

Just went to start playing and I get the message servers are down. Pc player through xbox can't find anything online about them begin down

Living in the map areaDiscussion

Is there anyone playing 76 that actually live in the real-world map area? How cool is it playing in your own backyard?

What's your average weight? after storing all the junk?Question

im over 150!! what's yours? i know i need to sit and tune it down a bit but, keep on postponing it.

i don't carry any extra weapons or armor other than the equipped?

Anyone else unable to log in?Question

I rarely have this problem and it’s usually because of server maintenance but from what I can tell nothing is going on. Anytime I try to log in it just says I cant connect to bethesda.net.

by Faeddurfrost:bos: Brotherhood
7/2/2024 cant login to xbox liveDiscussion

Anyone else having this issue? I can't login to xbox live to play... :-(

It was working earlier today....

thanks for the laughOther

Dear whomever it was that made and dropped all the thirst zappers at the fasnacht just gone (on ps) I hope you're in here because thank you from the very bottom of my, just like everyone else, very tired of the monotonous fasnacht grind heart, that was genuinely the most fun I've had in a long time on this game. Made it hurt a lot less when I inevitably got my 1000th sun mask 🫠

Big update coming this yearNews

Fallout 76 is giving players a highly customizable outpost with the upcoming Milepost Zero update-- massivelyop.com

Sorry I can't link to the article. Looks very cool.

Edit: here's the link: https://massivelyop.com/2024/07/01/fallout-76-is-giving-players-a-highly-customizable-outpost-with-the-upcoming-milepost-zero-update/

Cigarettes Should Be an Aid/ConsumableSuggestion

I get it. Big game companies don't want to promote smoking. But, this is an M-rated game.

I just see the cigarettes lying around and think "what a wasted opportunity to have a highly addictive drug that gives me shaky hands and bad VATS when I can't find any."

Smiling man showed up at fasnacht and made it fail. Other

He went aggro on everything and the robots just fought him in the field. You can't kill him so it just timed out.

What are must haves in camp?Xbox Help

I'm still pretty new (43) and am wondering what are some of the (functional) things I should have in the camp? I've got a stash box, junk box, workbenches, brewing/fermenting station, well, cooking, bed and power armor station. What else should I work on getting?

Fasnacht 2025: the Cheese (Haus) Stands AloneDiscussion

Maybe I'm channeling my own frustration with this event, but I think the Cheese Haus Protectron should finally make an appearance next year. Players should return to find Helvetia burnt to the ground and all the other robots destroyed. Amidst the smouldering ruins there is only the Cheese Haus with its lone proprietor. I don't know what game scenario this would entail, but the important question I know you're asking is "will there be rare masks with a 2.1728% drop-rate?" Oh, yes, friend! The masks will be the hollowed out heads of the Fasnacht Protectrons! And the Master of Ceremonies will be the rarest mask of all! AND EVERYONE GETS CHEESE! CHEESE! LIKE WHAT MY BRAIN HAS BECOME FROM DOING THIS EVENT OVER AND OVER AND I JUST WANT THE GLOWING TURKEsfrgfuckesgrgrg...

*signal lost*

Is this mine for the taking?Image


Long story short after i completed Fasnacht festival, someone left the power armor behind the donation basket.

I thought at first it was just a decoration, and then when i tried to put it on i can actually wear it but not with the armor (i'm currently level 30/31 and the armor is like level 50).

I am currently hesitating to whether leave it or steal it for the future.

What do you guys suggest? I like the paint tho. looks pretty cool.

alt method for power through roofsSuggestion

I know there are already a zillion posts about running power or wire through walls, but I haven't seen a post with this method used. you will need the advanced power connectors plan, which already contains the default wall-pass through conduit. however, I hate the look of that one, so I just use the regular conduits and clip them through roofs as in the pictures.



who else has over 100+ fasnacht masks just sitting in their player inventory Discussion

I am not putting these masks in my stash until this event is over and then I will organize my character!

who else??

Going heavy from commandoDiscussion

Been running with a bloodied commando build most of my levels. Now i am thinking about going heavy. Any good advice for me? What weapons are best as heavy?

To whoever was blasting german hardstyle music through their mic during fasnacht:Discussion

You made my night yesterday LMAO.

Normally I'd find that shit super annoying but honestly it was a really good moodbooster. Most the eventers were using dance emotes all over the place, really good vibes lmao. I think I like this community after all.

by jenpaii_:76: Fallout 76