Personally I feel super powerless to climate change..

Is every living person supposed to be sending letters and shit to our government? The president? None of us have control over the fact that our government keeps tearing down natural land to build shit. We don't have control over the city deciding the recycles is contaminated just to throw it with the trash at the landfill. Most people who can't afford a house and are still living in an apartment can't control whether or not they even do recycles. I can't decide to put more trees up, or get rid of my grass lawn. Am I supposed to keep my air conditioning off at all times? Never travel by car or plane? Tell my apartment to get Solar Panels? Go vegan and scarf up every bit of food to not have leftovers go bad? Never buy food from a grocery store but grow and raise everything myself?

Like how exactly are we supposed to fix this? Hundreds of years worth of pollution and carbon emissions... It feels like we're set up to fail no matter what we try.

Edit: Every comment is the same at this point... if you yourself are curious, it's either:

"Do it all.. you should, can, and are expected to😠"

"Do what you can/are able to, enjoy life and try not to stress👍"

"Off yourself, no point in trying you're fucked💯"

Imma listen to the middle one but I'm done replying or reading any comments added to this. Thank you everyone for the kind comments and sharing if you had any wisdom to give, but this blew up way too much.