I am graduating at the end of 2024 with a BS in Accounting with a minor in computer information systems. The amount of people on the accounting page hate their jobs, would advise their kids to not go into accounting, saying how horrible the pay is, they work crazy hours, saying we will be replaced with AI, there is literally nothing positive on that page. It has me thinking that I should have majored in Finance. It will take me 30 years to make 6 figures in accounting. Finance I could make 6 figures in 4-5.

I’m also extremely embarrassed where im getting my degree from. It is in state college with an 89% acceptance rate. So seems they admit anyone. The college I wanted to go to was $20,000 for 4 classes.

After I get this worthless degree I think I’m going to go back. Has anyone switched out of accounting to something better?