I've previously worked in SEO and content writing. Just over a year ago I was let go from my position as an SEO Manager very suddenly. Since them I have been struggling to find any kind of new work. I've been applying whenever I see job openings, I often get through the first and even second interview, then I either get completely ghosted or passed for someone else.

I've been doing a lot of self examination to see where I'm doing something wrong. Part of it is I think I'm not that great at interviewing honestly. I already have clinical anxiety and depression, and after I was let go I had a bit of a mental health breakdown and I've been still trying to recover from that. I think it took a real hit to my ability to present myself personably.

But I also feel like part of it is that I don't really like being in SEO specifically, and that probably comes off to people. Its a "career path" I sorta accidentally fell into, and I don't think I have the personality for it.

But I don't really know how to course correct from here, because my resume is all geared for SEO, and every single time I talk to a recruiter they're all hype to try and find an SEO position for me. I've tried pivoting more into just writing, and I do contract work right now that pays a bit, but not enough to fully support me.

What's extra frustrating is that I can't even seem to just get a job in, say, retail or fast food or similar, because my resume doesn't match up with those jobs either. So right now I feel like I'm stuck between not being able to get an entry level job due to too much specific experience, while not being able to get a job that matches my experience.

I've been thinking about talking to a job coach but every time I try looking up that kind of information I just keep seeing people say those types of things are scams. I would like to dive into learning some type of coding, but once again every possible avenue I look into to try to learn gets reviewed as a scam. Hell I've even been looking into going back to school to get my Masters, but I've never actually had to apply for student loans and financial aid on my own, and I have no idea where I can go to get help with that.

Basically, I feel paralyzed by indecision, which also isn't helpful. I keep starting things, but then I can't find any information on the next step. I'm 29, and I'm sure people think these are things I just should know by now, but I don't.