Hi folks, seeking some advice (Please read before telling me to buy an Aeron!)

I'm male, aged 25, 6ft in height, and I have always had issues with my back/tension in my neck due to Scheuermann's disease. Its a pretty mild case but it means I have forward neck posture and constant tension and discomfort in my sternocleidomastoid muscles, and also ache in my mid-upper back due to lack of use of those muscles when standing.

I have had years of chiropractor but nothing seems to help besides strengthening. My posture is admittedly horrible and I spend a lot of time working from home in front of a computer (6-8 hours per day). I can't seem to find a chair that suits me. Sitting up straight in a 'good posture' ergonomic chair for long periods of time really messes with me and makes me feel like I have been stretched to oblivion and I'm waddling around afterwards. I obviously need to work on my posture but I feel as though strengthening the muscles in the gym helps me more than anything else.

I'm still seeking the ultimate chair for my circumstances. I will go through the chairs I have tried and sat in and why they did/didnt work for me.

  1. IKEA MARKUS - A good chair that enabled me to sit up straight or recline and also stretch around. I like the headrest so I can relieve my neck muscles. What I don't like is that it doesnt seem to go upright enough. I'm always seated slightly reclined to the point im drooping my head forward. I also removed the armrests because they are non-adjustable and the padding in the seat after a few years is not plush enough. Overall, served me well but not quite right.
  2. ORANGEBOX DO - An expensive ergonomic chair. We use these at work and I get on with it okay so I bought one for home. Its a little too solid but at least it offers good adjustment. The thing is you have to get it just right to be able to be comfortable, sitting dead upright. If you slouch just a tiny bit, its incredibly uncomfortable and bad on your back. You end up in a banana posture. If I could sustain sitting with perfect posture for 8 hours, it would probably be fine. But I like to relax a bit from time to time.
  3. Corsair T1 RACE - Uh oh. Gamer chairs. They have such a bad rep. I don't own this one, I tried it at a friends house. But it seems really comfortable for me. The flat, firm back (without the cushion) means I had support without having to adjust lumbar (or sit like a croissant when relaxing) and It felt plush but firm enough that I could spend many hours in it sat upright and recline to relax but still keep my back straight. I know everyone says buy an ergonomic chair, but I'm thinking maybe, the spinal issues I have just mean that I have a unique circumstance and that I'm actually making myself worse by trying ergonomic chairs all the time. I have a sporty car, and I can do a 6 hour journey in the car seat with little issues. These chairs are quite similar to those in the car.

I've admittedly not tried an aeron or embody. But as I say, because of my issues and fatigue I often find myself slouching, so I think I need a chair that will support me both when sitting up and when slouching back. I begrudge spending all that money on one when I already have a £500 orangebox as my daily driver and I can only be comfy in it for the 1 hour that I can sit up properly.

TL;DR - I've tried lots of ergonomic chairs, but because my spine is ruined I feel like they all rub me up the wrong way and that 'gaming chairs' may actually suit me better. What do ?