I (F26) moved here right before quarantine so I don't know anyone outside of work.

I miss having friends, especially girl friends. And I know that it's not a good idea to meet until after vaccines, but maybe I could join your group chat? I promise I'm funny and I like to exchange memes.

I know this post might sound a little sad, but I actually have a pretty optimistic if realistic personality. Like how do people make adult friends? Who knows, but I can't just wait around for it to magically happen without any action on my part

I'm usually the thicc, supportive, funny friend and I mesh well with a lot of different personalities. I'm an ambivert but I'll definitely be more extroverted after knowing someone for a couple months.

LIKES: comparison shopping, houseplant culture, true crime, macabre shit, dogs and cats (my cat is like 15% of my personality, just warning), sketch comedy, cultural studies, alt/indie music, rap/electronic beats, podcasts, CBD & THC, mental health wellness, satan, cocktails, complaining but in a jovial comrades-through-oppression way, talking shit about Americans despite being an American myself, mispronouncing words on purpose

DISLIKES: children, salmon, feminism without intersectionality, pop punk, the Confederacy, the military industrial complex, for-profit prisons, social stigmas, beer, the person who poops outside of my apt complex

OTHER BASIC FACTS: I work full time, pay my own rent but only 8 more years of student loans yay (/s). I'm a graduate of a state school diploma mill. I try to maintain an open-minded, inclusive and transparent mindset. I have a lot of patience for dumb little things like traffic or waiting in lines. Also I'm a chubbychaser

I will stop it there and leave the rest for u to learn about as we bond and plug into the collective unconscious together. i guess if any of this piqued your interest, maybe message me? I can share my Instagram name so you can see that I'm a real person (I don't use it often and it's 85% pics of my cat but still)

EDIT (spelling)


Apparently the link is only good for one day!