
r/askportland61.7K subscribers36 active
Where are the shop cats at? Looking For

Went to Good Buys Junk Shop on Woodstock today and was greeted by the sweetest little shop cat who followed me round giving me lots of head bops. Any other places around Portland with friendly kitties I can go befriend?

Has anyone else had these Honeyglow pineapples from New Seasons?Looking For

I have never had better pineapple in my life and I lived in the Caribbean for a bit! They’re sustainable? And still only $5.99? Like, I know inflation made things insane but this is an actual TREAT that feels 100% okay.

Does anyone know of local free/affordable home organizers for a neurodivergent anxious person?Looking For

Hi, I’m really struggling with a chaotic apartment. I’ve always struggled with clutter, but after some big life changes my anxiety and executive dysfunction has been sky rocketing. I’m in a bad state financially, but I need help. I’m often feeling really depressed and overwhelmed being in my own home and that’s the opposite of what I want. I’m ashamed to be in this position, but I’m trying to get into a better spot. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Can anyone provide a list of felon friendly employers? Looking For

As part of a school project, I'm compiling a list of felony friendly employers to help releasing prisoners find work. Does anyone know of felon friendly employers in the Portland area? Starting wage? Are they THC friendly?

I've got a list of about 25 right now but want to try and get it to 50. I've got alot of the big companies like Fred Meyers, Safeway, Winco, OBRC, Leatherman, etc.

Does anyone know why people are waiting in line downtown by 11th and Washington? Looking For

Long line around the block and don’t see any signs for what it could be and I’m nosy 😭

edit - as one user said it was a big sale for Frances May! There’s still some cute stuff left and no line and they go until 3!

How do crowd sizes compare between the Starlight Parade and the Grand Floral Parade?Looking For

I've avoided the parades since I moved to Portland ten years ago because I've heard they're massively overcrowded. I went downtown last night to see the Starlight Parade, kind of expecting that it would be a madhouse, and it was very tame with plenty of room to set up a camp chair. I enjoyed the parade while standing, but I sure wished I had a chair.

Is the Grand Floral Parade usually a bigger deal? Can I show up around start time and expect to be able to set up a chair? I'm definitely not into camping out all day to get a good spot. I just want to show up and see some floats and marching bands.

Why do religious people come knocking on my door and not on my neighbors?Looking For

For years since I've lived in this apartment with my parents (for over 15+ years), we've had Jehovah's witnesses, Mormons, and maybe some other Christian religious folks come directly to our home.

But I live in an apartment where there's literally other doors right next to each other and why don't they knock on our neighbors door? Even when we've had new tenants over the years?

Where are they getting our address from? And who is sending them? I'll ask next time. It's weird that it's not just from one religion but others too like yesterday we had Mormons. And a week or so before that we had Jehovah's Witnesses.

Usually my family and I don't open the door when we recognize them but when "they" send new people and we don't recognize them, we open the door because we didn't know their intentions and we tend to be nice and act clueless and "open" to what they're saying. My mom is thinking about putting a "no Jehovah's witnesses or other Christian cults are allowed to knock" sign that we saw somewhere at a store lol. But I think next time I'm going to politely say that whoever is sending them needs to stop sending religious people to our home.

I heard Hood Strawberries are here…where to get them?Looking For

Hoping not to drive too far for them…I’m in North Portland FWIW


Vandalism ?Looking For

Recently I had my plates stolen from my Subaru days later I find the same plates on the exact same Subaru as mine two blocks away 😂should I take action or just leave it alone atp I did get my plates back but should I report this vehicle?

Where is a GOOD black hair store? Looking For

I need a good beauty supply store in the PDX area (it can even be Vancouver, idc) just please don’t suggest a Sally’s — I’m looking for hair supplies for black people’s hair.

Asian Buffets in Portland?Looking For

My high school band is coming from Los Angeles to perform in the Grand Floral Parade, and we are looking for an Asian Buffet for dinner. It looks like the main choices are Kumi, Tin Tin, Hug Grill, and Makoto in Vancouver. Do you have any suggestions?

Moving with family soon, what would yall recommend for people mostly new to pdx?Looking For

title says it all, we’re moving from texas up to portland and want to look into things to do in the first week or so! places to eat, something thatll entertain a 15 year old, anything along those lines. appreciate it all! it’s gonna be a big change but theres no city id rather make it with

camera stores with M4:3 gear?Looking For

Anyone know any camera stores in portland that have a good amount of m4:3 cameras and lenses? I am looking to pick up some new gear for a big trip and shoot on m4:3 and would like to try things in person before buying. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

Viewing parties for planetary alignment?Looking For

Curious if there will be any folks out with telescopes to see the “parade of planets” this week?

So done with Xfinity, can you help?Looking For

We are desperate for alternative to Xfinity WiFi. We live around NW 23rd. Anyone happy with an alternative?


How long typically until starlings leave their nests?Looking For

I believe we have starlings nesting in the vents of our triplex because our PMC didn't replace one of the vent cover slats on the side of the building when we told them it was missing months ago.

We sent in a maintenance request and they said they couldn't clear anything out until they left (totally understandable!) but I'm just curious if any bird-savvy Portlanders knew how long they tend to nest for so we know when we should submit a new maintenance request?

I can hear them pretty clearly in our downstairs bathroom so I've been listening for sounds of possible babies hatching but I'll definitely be the first to admit I don't really know what I'm listening for—they make the wildest sounds! It's actually been fascinating to have a more "close-up" experience with them (just the sounds through the vent and them coming and going) and their safety and ability to thrive is definitely my priority over clearing the vents, but I haven't gotten any clear answers on the internet as to when it might be safe to assume they're "finished" with their nest and it can be safely cleared out.

Any advice, tips, stories welcome! Thanks in advance!

Also here's a video of their calls while in the nest that I took a few days ago (video uninteresting without sound on!) I was always under the impression that eclectic bird sounds were usually specific to mating, but they make such fascinating sounds even within their own nests! (Also also, please let me know if these aren't starlings—a friend was pretty positive they were, but I'm always interested in learning more!

Anyone wanna hang out? Solo travelerLooking For

28 year old male solo travelling to Portland - anyone down to hang out in this rainy day?

Where can I get a pair of sneakers cleaned?Looking For

I live in SE, near Laurelhurst,

Thank you!

Nice vegan-friendly restaurants that can seat a 20 person group?Looking For

We have both meat eaters and vegans, and I'd like to not end up somewhere where the half the family that's vegetarian or vegan is going to have a hard time finding options.

Ideally not something exorbitantly expensive, since it'll add up fast for that many people.

Roller hockey in Oregon?Looking For

Does anyone have recommendations for roller hockey leagues or pick up games in Oregon? Are there any good places in Oregon to skate and shoot around?

Anyone with experience with "Tasting Collective" in Portland?Looking For

Has anyone been a member of "Tasting Collective" in Portland? It looks interesting but I cannot find much on people's impressions of it. Thanks!

Where is the house music in Portland?Looking For

Anyone and everyone please drop your known, tried and true venues for great live house music. I keep seeing all these Bay Area videos of amazing shows and artists and I feel like I haven’t found a place here yet where I can enjoy the same vibe.

Does Anyone Have Recommendations for a Good Dance Club?Looking For

What would be a good place to go dancing that leans more towards EDM, and where a 47-year-old man wouldn't look totally out-of-place? I've been contemplating options for fitness opportunities with a social component, and dancing seems like a good one.

Women's short hair stylist?Looking For

I moved to Portland almost 3 months ago and am in dire need of a haircut. I've had short hair my entire life. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance.

Are VMAC's drop-in beginner belly dance classes fat friendly?Looking For

I just want to know that I'm not going to be the only plus-size person there when I show up. Also, what's the parking situation? Street parking, or is there a lot nearby, or ??