Hi, gang! I accidentally powered-on my Anycubic Wash & Cure Machine 2.0 (the machine) my printer's power cord this morning, and now it's ceased responding. My machine is a 12-volt device and my printer is a 24-volt device.

When I plugged in the machine with the 24v power cord and powered it on, the UV lights immediately came on and stayed on. I knew right away that I had made a mistake with the power cord. Normally, the machine just beeps and the LCD screen lights up. When I then tried powering-on the machine with the 12v power cord, nothing happened.

As part of my troubleshooting process, I made sure the lid was on and tried using a different electrical outlet. There was no change.

Worried that I had burnt a circuit, I experimented by using the 24v power cord a second time. The UV lights came on as before, but no beeping and no LCD screen action. So the machine can still receive power.

Is there a way to reboot the machine? Or do I need to have it repaired?