Hi there,

I just did some research, and apparently (I don't care about the average, as it probably doesn't mean anything due to the super rich skewing everything) the median income per person in America is more or less around 40-42 000 dollars...now, I understand that it may not sound like much for Americans, but for us Europeans that's one hell of a big median income ! I live in France, and most people make something like 1900-2000 euros a month after taxes.

I see a lot of people earning 70-80-100k a year also in America (based on the reddit comments here), which is really not common in France, so I have to ask : how come Americans seem to be struggling so much despite this? Is life so expensive, are interest rates that high? What gives?

Apologies if I sound a little ignorant (I probably am), but I felt like asking.