What else could that work be? We are called to love and serve our neighbors.

What are you talking about? No one thinks they won when they came in 5th.

While I 100% agree it is an unforgivable failing that our elected officials didn’t do so while he was in office. If they he’d succeeded in impeachment and conviction it wouldn’t be up to us as voters now.

Most current jobs are completely unnecessary in an equitable and ecologically sustainable society.

The comfort and mission of Christ has nothing to do (for me) with an afterlife. Right now I lean towards some form of ego death. The mission is that of equity, justice, and love. The comfort is knowing that we are siblings in that work.

Nothing but love, friend.

How do we discuss the cross without discussing sacrifice and justice? What is a call for justice in our society except a call for us to engage in that sacrificial work?


Yes! This is a major issue that we face as a church. It’s going to take grass roots, top down, and middle out coordination. We have the means but we have to have the courage for action and change.

Edit: words.

I currently work by contract. My main focus of organizing is in my neighborhood and in my church. Solidarity has to be community supported and worker driven.

Solidarity, friend.

It’s an invitation for something that they may not have considered.

Ok, but that’s a decision that you’re making. There is nothing stopping you from following the orders of St. Francis (for example) as part of your faith practice and there are others that do in community.

While TEC doesn’t provide the stringent expectations of RCC there are religious orders that are active inside of our tradition.


Aaron Sorkin, while an excellent storyteller, has many flaws. Sexism is one of them.

Edit: for folks who disagree, I’m happy to hear you out.

Inside of the Episcopal Church tradition there are religious orders. This is something that may provide the structure that you are seeking.

Work is the labor done for the owners for a wage. We need to refocus our attention and efforts on our communities and work on behalf of ourselves and one another. We can still do this in offices and factories and construction sites, it will be done with better purpose and in a more humane way.

Solidarity, friend.


A friend of mine in the states has the same regret. It’s ok, we’re all doing our best.

Edit: no offense meant. I’m agreeing that it is important to be ourselves and that we must try to be as authentic to self as we can.

No nation has a right to exist. All power to all of the people.

Who/how do you “weigh in” on their progress? That is your avenue of discussion. Is there a pattern of who they are friendly or unfriendly with? Are they neurodivergent? Context matters a great deal.

It’s a fun idea. If you have skills with programming I think there are more immediate needs. Perhaps partnering with folks in your community to help food distribution/need? Tenants unions? There is great need for communication and education. Gamification is a great tool, there might be more immediate opportunities. Solidarity, friend.

UAW is leading a general strike May 1st 2028. We have this time to organize/join a union. Work with friends and neighbors for food security and mutual aid. Solidarity, friends.

I am not lgbt. It’s hard to explain the nature of God’s universal and radical love to those who claim to already be Christian.