Basically the title. My grandma is turning 90 and we’re all coming from out of town, state, etc. to celebrate. My mom got into these stupid fucking oils a year ago and now spends god knows how much on this shit. She said 3 bottles of vitamins alone costs $150, and a single bottle of rose essential oil costs $250. Everything in her house is doterra now so I know she’s spent a ton already.

In a few days she expects everyone to go to her house for a night of “hand massages” to celebrate grandma’s 90th, which is “great” because her “friend” is going to be there to explain all the oils to us! Aren’t we just so excited to learn about how lavender oil can cure ADHD? 🙄

I drove 13 hours for my grandma and was blindsided by this. Now I’m leaning towards skipping and seeing her on a different day.
