Okay, so, me (22f), my brother Owen (26m) and his girlfriend Anna (27m) all live on my parents property. I moved back in after a series of unfortunate events and am currently attending university. Owen works with my dad and its easier for him to live at home, and Anna moved in with Owen pretty quickly.

I have no problem with Anna. She's really sweet, and funny, and overall a really good housemate, except for one thing.

They get intimate. A lot. At least twice a day. And the house has thin walls. I hate it, but I usually just plug my headphones in and focus on whatever. But one big issue I have is them consistently leaving the door open. Especially when I'm trying to sleep since my bedroom is right across from theirs. When the door is closed and they have some music playing or something, it's whatever. We all know what's going on, but at least there's an attempt there. But when the door is open, I can hear it clearly, I can SEE it clearly, it's gross.

I've asked them several times to make sure they keep the door closed and they keep forgetting. I started to threaten to throw the cat on them or just bust the door wide open if they don't shut it. They kept forgetting.

So, last night, everybody else is in bed by 8ish. They all had to work early. I was up until midnight before finally feeling ready to crash. As soon as I lay down to go to sleep, they start going at it.... with the door open.

I was pissed. I was tired, and I'm aware this is probably not accurate, but in the moment it felt like they waited for me to be in bed and I was sick of asking them nicely. So, I went over and busted the door open, exactly like I said I would do, and said "close your f*cking door."

This morning, as soon as I woke up, Anna says to me that was I did was innapropriate. I said doing it with the door open is innapropriate. She said they were about to close it when I did that.


She then says to me "it's a part of growing up, Jane, you gotta deal with it." Like, EXCUSE ME!? It did not go well from there. I told her to piss off and go to work, she got pissed, Owen got pissed at me, told me to cut the shit, I said "If you wanna act like you live alone, get your own f*cking place." And then they stomped out the door.

So that's where I'm at now. I don't know, I feel justified. I've tried being nice, I've tried being firm, but they just can't seem to follow this simple request. I don't think asking them to keep the door shut and maybe put something on the TV is unreasonable, and yet, I'm being made to feel like an interloper in a place that's not even Owen's own house! Our parents agree with me, but Owen and Anna were pretty mad me...

Am I wrong?

Edit: Apparently, the parents had a talk with them and they said they were willing to drop it and move on. I mean, sure, whatever, its a step.

Then this morning, I discover Anna is just not going to interact with me ever again. She said she's done, she's tried being nice, blah blah blah... she'll be civil but she's done. Everytime I walk into a room, she walks right out and thinks that's being civil.

That's not civil, that's passive aggressive.

I'm so fucking tired. Owen is a dumbass because this is his first girlfriend and he doesn't think he can do better, but he can do so much better than this overgrown toddler. Whatever. I hate my life so much 🙃

Have a better day than I'm having, y'all.