When I was OPs age I used to wear shoes like that to clubs in NYC. End of the night, I'd be walking barefoot to the car, grody streets be damned. Nowadays I couldn't fathom even wearing high stilettos to a sit down dinner. I think I'd break an ankle lol

You need to be kinder to yourself and your feet and buy some cute shoes that don't cause that much discomfort that quickly. They exist. I like dressing up too, but the food court isn't worthy of fashion pain.

Yeah. Throw in beer and I'm game. I'm always happy to help friends move stuff if I've got the time and energy, and they do the same for me.

I guess it's worth noting my social circle is made up almost entirely of people who climb, so we're also all in pretty good shape and lifting heavy things is just another day.

Sometimes I just need a quick orgasm. Sometimes I want sex and intimacy. My husband and I have a healthy and secure sex life that includes both, for both. We're both mature and adult enough to not see masturbating as a rejection.

Lol just for fun, I searched my own comments for the last time I made a comment about ankle support from boots to see if I was replying to the same guy... And I was. But you're here too! Haha. The two sole boots crusaders here, I guess...

still vote along party lines every single time.

If that were true, we'd no longer have Obamacare.

He's probably one of the people here who convinced me to keep trying trail runners after yet another sprain, or to run in barefoot shoes to strengthen my ankles (led to another sprain). Or told me to get surgery on my loose tendons rather than the horrors on hiking boots.

It's so fucking annoying.

How's she a gold digger, though? Harry isn't some old fart billionaire, and she wasn't poor. She had more self established prospects and money than Kate when she met William, but I don't see anyone calling her a gold digger.

To be clear, I don't find MM likeable, and I've heard she was incredibly bitchy even back in her Suits days, BUT, the gold digger thing is ridiculous to me, and it kinda stinks of bias.

That's basically how to do it. Before shutting down communication with my stalker, he tried the suicide tactic. I told him, cool, I'll just call 911 on you. Shut that shit down real quick.

Do you not understand how fight or flight works? It's a reflex, not a choice. You bopped her knee with a rubber hammer and got kicked for it.

False. I couldn't roll my hypermobile ankles in my high top hiking boots if I tried (and I did try, if carefully, to test out their stability support).

The blood on her hands comment made me physically recoil. Threatening suicide is a notorious abuser/narc tactic and the answer is NEVER to give in to manipulation. You ignore, or you call a wellness check by police. And if they go through with it? Entirely on them.

The biggest thing I learned from this subreddit? That the people here don't know my body better than I do lol. Which brings us all the way back to an earlier point - no shoe, shoe style, or overall hiking setup is going to be right for every body, or even every body within a type of a body.

Ahh yeah, I get all of that. My hypermobility is mostly limited to my ankles. I think I'm loving the roomy toe box because it's a nice change from the pointe shoes (ballet) I grew up in and the full-size-too-small climbing shoes I'm now jamming my feet into lol.

Real talk, my feet swim in them a bit too, I actually wear a half size smaller than normal in them. Mine are off in my husband's car with him at work right now (just wore them yesterday on a tricky approach to a bouldering zone and left them in the car), so I'll have to get back to you on the specifics, but I actually like the roomier feel. I cinch down the ankles pretty tightly and my feet don't end up moving around in them any more than normal boots or shoes, and I actually get fewer hot spots on the toes and heels. It was definitely a risky buy in the store, though, I just wasn't sure they'd be what I needed them to be till I got on that type of terrain and the fit was not what I was used to.

Yeah, similar terrain near me. The soles of my Lowas are so stiff that practically everything feels like flat ground and it's just... 🤌🏼

Just to show how varied hypermobility issues are, barefoot shoes and zero drop are the absolute worst things in footwear for me

Same. They're also awful for the terrain I'm hiking.

I will swear by high ankle boots as long as I live. I tried three separate pairs of trail runners with stiff soles that would supposedly help prevent ankle rolls as much as the ankle support, and none ever did. Rolled my ankles nearly every time out in them with a few sprains. With high ankle support? Nearly never rolling and zero sprains.

My current boots (from Lowa) aren't perfect - they could be comfier (but they're only like 20 miles new and I think the right insert will help here). But I can trek through boulder fields with a crash pad on my back without having to stress about trusting my ankles, they're that sturdy.

A domesticated animal that relies on us to look after them... Including protecting their paws from extreme heat and cold.

At this point I'm convinced the mods are trolling us lol

Partassipant [1]

No, she's supposed to be quiet about it. Scream into a pillow at least, ffs.

Still trying for that gotcha, huh? Lol

Except, I said I'd be sad for the life experience that led to those feelings, so this reply doesn't really hit.