Sweetie, you need to call the cops and have them talk to your brother and family about animal abuse.

NTA He uses the fun house, but won't help take care of maintenance. THAT is what he should be embarrassed about.

NTA Your ex friend is a selfish ass who wanted to steal the multi thousand dollar party you had arranged for his own ends. Send him a bill for half.

Not wrong. Daddy thinks only diaper duty vacation belongs to him.

NW As a chick who basically didn't even tell her mom it started, I just used the products on hand since I knew what was what. I had an older sister, so everything was there, Mom just kept supplying. Communications were as necessary. Life goes on. It doesn't have to be a bonding thing. It just addresses the issue.

As a wedding guest I care more about taste than looks. If it isn't entirely polished but leaves me drooling for the next two decades, then you're good.

Not wrong. She can spout nonsense? So can you.

Bot Hunter [611]

If his image was as an infallible authority on minutia he was often wrong about then he didn't deserve that image. NTA

Bot Hunter [611]

NTA You were generous for merely snoozing the damn thing. Set an alarm to go off by you mom and see how long she keeps her hands off.

Bot Hunter [611]

NTA You know what your mother is. Get the money to go to those who deserve it for what they are doing for you.

Bot Hunter [611]

NTA Your mother is abusive. I would not doubt she did it on purpose, but that is not necessary for the first part to be true.

Bot Hunter [611]

NTA Your brother's home life should not come before your life in the ranking of things in (drum roll) your life. Send a damn rundown for how much you have spent supplementing their lives for the past year ( child care, food, lost wage) and tell them you gave them more than enough and they had no problem taking it and would no doubt take as much as they could suck you for. Leeches.

Bot Hunter [611]

NTA Our son got a week vacation worth $$$. Our daughter got a trip to the mall worth $ and you think she got too much. Tell me how I am not supposed to think you favor one over the other.

NW If the only thing he has to be proud of and thinks is worth anything about himself is his height, it says a whole lot about how he isn't really worth much at all. Tell him to get a hobby or a therapist or something to make him think about something other than his short comings.

NTA If you do stay, you need to coopt his damn den. His shit gets put in a pile in the corner.

NTA If I ended up having to clean it up, it would be with husband's clothes. Some saved for him and the rest mailed to his mommy.

Bot Hunter [611]

NTA and I wouldn't let him in my car. He'd probably piss in it out of spite.

men see girls in skirts they want to rip them off and eff them

This guy has issues and when he sees women in skirts... well... ask him if he has any past convictions (in public where safe and if you can safely leave) because he certainly talks the talk.

Not wrong. She may be family, but she is also a raging asshole and I don't need to let that in my house. Want me to come into your house and tell you what I think of her like she does to me in mine?

Bot Hunter [611]

NTA Interrupt her back and keep talking when she tries. Louder and LOUDER.

Bot Hunter [611]

He messaged me later to say that we could be dating

"Ummm, no we couldn't. That would kind of require interest on both sides." NTA

She expects to be your number one until she decides otherwise. Apparently she doesn't have enough going on in her life to keep her occupied, so she is drumming up drama because your attention was divided. You probably pissed her off when you didn't act like that 4 weeks was a gutting punishment.