I’ve posted a couple of times along the same theme.

But basically, I (35F) have remembered a family member grooming, molesting and raping me multiple times at least ages 4-7.

I had no recollection of the abuse or that it was him until 6 months ago when I started making more serious strides in my healing. Although I had a funny feeling something happened to me that young and non-abusive memories that made me feel “icky”.

I have largely avoided him and the rest of my family since becoming an adult, but he is still in touch with me / was still around a lot when I was a teenager.

He was very important for me as a child, he lived with us at one point and was always the person to go places with me, my mum and my siblings (I was the only girl, not sure if he also abused my brothers). I was parentified and emotionally neglected, he was the only person who “understood” me.

I have 2 kinds of recovered memories, memories that feel like mine and memories that don’t feel like mine. Anything directly indicating sexual abuse by this abuser doesn’t feel like mine, but peripheral memories and memories of assaults by other abusers when I was older do feel like my memories (although I am aware of blanks).

It so strongly doesn’t feel like it happened to me but I have all of the reactions like it did. I know this means it must have happened, but I just can’t reconcile it. I feel guilty, like I’ve made up something disgusting and something that hurts him. Like I’ve made up a bad thing about a good guy. That there must be something severely wrong with me to have made it up.

I know logically that’s the trauma, that he groomed me and it’s natural for children to blame themselves and this disbelief is from childhood but it’s sooooo powerful.

When I remembered and it felt real, I felt sad for him that he must have been hurting so much that he would do this. I feel like that’s really messed up :(

Maybe I have Stockholm syndrome. Or maybe I’m psychotic?

It’s really painful to be living in this constant inner turmoil. My life is stuck, I haven’t been able to work for a year and I am in so much pain. I want to be able to face this but it’s just too painful.