I'm about to cancel a WordPress project both because the client keeps interfering with my dev work, the website is too much of a mess to fix, and the client does not have the budget to build a new one.

Basically what's going on, is that I'm doing large scale updates to my client's website, what ended up turning out, was that the client was using WP Bakery, however the previous developer used a metric ton of plugins and shortcodes to replace features that normally would be for WP Bakery proper.

In effect, addressing problems that the client highlighted became extremely tedious. Especially since in this case, not only were the header and footer managed by different plugins, but the previous developer changed the code of the footer within the theme file itself.

Normally this wouldn't be so bad as I would take my time to unravel the website piece by piece and put it back together addressing the client's concerns. However, the client keeps interfering mid editing talking about wanting "course correction". It's getting to the point that finishing the project is effectively impossible. Especially since the client doesn't understand how much of a mess their back end is.

I have a meeting with them tomorrow, there's a high likelihood that I'm going to cancel.

What do you guys think?