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How do I back up my Cpanel, or at least a wordpress site on it, if there isn’t enough space on the server for the backup?

Normally I use WPVivid to backup individual sites on my server and backup to my Google Drive. But it seems like every backup I can find backs up to the server first. Which would crash the server. Including Backup and Backup Wizard in Cpanel.

Looking for a way to save a backup to preferably directly to my computer, but to my Google Drive would probably work too.

Secondary, is there any way to learn what size a website’s backup would be zipped too before I start?

I am not a developer.

Edit: Just in case others see this thread with the same problem, I found a solution:

It's going to create small zip files (400m, but you can change that) at a time, export to your cloud storage and then delete the zip from your server right away.


Use Updraft plugin

Basically I went into my cpanel and then to my website's "wp-config.php" (Just search for this )

Then edit: and at the bottom of the code, add: "define('UPDRAFTPLUS_UPLOAD_AFTER_CREATE', true);" (Copy this from the link above though, not from here.) Then save edits.

Then you have to select which external storage to save the files too. I used Google Drive.

Then just to be sure, I opened two additional windows. One was my Google Drive folders (It will automatically create a folder called "Updraft" once you start, click on that at that time and you will see it start adding zip file backups. I also opened my host to see my storage in real time. Just to make sure it wasn't increasing. It didn't much at all.

Then backup and watch the screens to be sure it's transferring without raising your Server storage.