Update: I am overwhelmed by all the responses I received overnight. I can’t imagine so many of you took your time to help and provide your suggestions. Thank you!! Believe me I am reading all the comments, but I may not be able to reply to individual comments. We are staying in different rooms for now. He came to talk to me in the morning but left when he realised I didn’t want to, he looked sad. I am safe, I have spoken with my sister in the morning and let her know the situation. She thinks it can be resolved but is planning to visit me as soon as possible. A lot of you asked if not flying is my own wish or recommended by my Ob/Gyn, it is the latter. I’m high risk and that’s why. I believe having a family member with me will make a lot of difference. I really appreciate all of you for your concern and trust me I am taking them very seriously. Last night I was feeling very low and while it is true that I do not have family here, but my work colleagues and friends are amazing and supportive, so if I ever felt the need, I can stay with them.

For those who asked if I was after his green card or citizenship when I married, the answer is no. He is not a citizen himself! Also, I am a scientist who was invited here, I don’t need his financial support. I married this man because I love him and wanted to make a family. I could manage the house/chores very well on my own so this wasn’t an issue before pregnancy. His laziness bugged me at times but not enough I guess! Please don’t assume every asian woman is after US citizenship or is a gold digger. For those, who tried to understand my situation, I am truly grateful for the support.

I (35F) married my husband (36M) two years back after knowing him for 3 years! In feb this year I got pregnant. The thing is, I am realising now it was a huge mistake to marry this guy! He had always been laid back and lazy. But now due to pregnancy, I can hardly keep up with chores as my health is fluctuating and feel exhausted with my own job but he still won’t step up. I have tried to talk to him so many times, his parents did, my family did, he agrees he needs to do better! But after a couple of days, he assumes I will pick up the slack and stops.

He can also be verbally abusive when angry and today we got into a huge fight. I told him I am at my wits end and if things go like this, I will be forced to move out. He started calling me names and used some very hurtful words. I am ashamed to say that I was holding a bottle and by reflex I threw some water on him! Just couldn’t control my anger. I don’t want to bring my child into this situation. I’m so scared, tired, and feel vulnerable as I am in a foreign country with no family. Going to my home country is not medically advised as it is a long flight. I feel stuck and helpless. I guess I am just venting!