My husband gave up on pulling and is using a strong concentration of tenacity and quinlorac in a targeted spray. It works. Doesn’t kill the grass.

Don’t go. Go somewhere else in summer. The southwest is for spring and fall. People die in summer in Texas and AZ. It’s not worth it.

I have my consult with a surgeon tomorrow! I’m hoping they get me in quickly!


Yeah and hiking is something you can do with your kids also. Obviously shorter trips, but our entire family goes backpacking and we do hikes together. It’s really great for building relationships with our kids.

I just need a shunt. My pressures are too high for meds. Hopefully the shunt will be enough because the meds mess up my gastrointestinal system too much to be sustainable

We take our dobie/blue heeler mix. I got him a chest harness that has a pack. He carries his food and bowl and his ball. It’s not a lot of weight bc we bring expensive freeze dried food for him just to save weight for backpacking trips. You rehydrate it just like human food really. Boil some water and pour it over the discs.

Depending on where you go, bury the his waste or pack it out in poop bags.

My boy sleeps in the tent or a hammock ;)

50mg of topamax does not give me brain fog and gives me Less stomach issues than Diamox. 100mg of topamax makes me straight stupid and I can’t take that much and keep my job. Unfortunately 100mg also makes my OP still 51 so it doesn’t work anyway for me lol

The sooner you can get the LP to get a diagnosis and get pressures normalized the more likely any symptoms you’re having will be temporary and recover. If you have to search for another neuro.

Hopefully not. A few days after both LPs my hearing is greatly improved. But honestly it’s probably permanently damaged. Once I have my shunt and the pressures are actually under control I’ll know. If my pressures are ever under control.

Yeah this is one of those renovations where I assume OP just has extra money laying around… like it looks great before and after…

You have to check the forest you plan your camp in. There are forests that do allow campfires but you do need a permit.

We specifically chose to go to Shasta Trinity bc you can often have campfires there. But you always have to check before you go.

Yup. For a few days after my 2 LPs I was able to turn the volume down on all my tvs stereos and phone… so yeah. Significant hearing loss from the pressure for me as well.

Oh yeah the first LP they removed 33ml and the second they removed 41ml lol and yeah it gave me 2-3 days of relief. Oddly I seem to have a lot of pressure on my lower spine. My lower lumbar pain disappeared after both LPs for a few days. As well as the ear pressure, sinus pressure, and eye pressure pain.

I shave nothing.

I will take a beard trimmer to my bikini line before swimming. Occasionally I also take a beard trimmer to my legs because the wind in my leg hair annoys me even after all these years lol. I never miss shaving my armpits though.

With my pressure just so high even if I could tolerate the meds, they aren’t enough. My opening pressure on 100mg topimax was 51 lol meanwhile the gastrointestinal issues are unsustainable. So I have the consult for a shunt next Monday. I just wonder how much can a shunt actually reduce pressures? They weren’t able to measure my actual opening pressure unmedicated, the gauge stopped at 55 lol. It will at least help for sure. I do have some stenosis so maybe stents also…

I’m pretty sure my IIH is from a concussion as well. 55+ opening pressure. Normal body weight. All my symptoms started after knocking my head. I was originally also just diagnosed with my migraines getting worse. IIH finally diagnosed when papilledema showed up years later.

Auburn Hills

See if Consumers will do an energy audit for you. That seems waaay too high

Oh that’s infuriating. I have a normal BMI and all of my doctors have immediately said that obviously I can’t lose weight. They took me off Diamox bc I lost over 2lbs a week on it. My doctors haven’t been perfect but I guess I can be thankful for that!

Weed gummies tbh. 5mg THC 25mg CBD are my favorites of course they knock me out so it only works for bed time. I just suffer during the day.

I have my consult with the surgeon on Monday. I’m hoping the shunt will be enough. But I mean with my high pressures I’m wondering if that’s even possible. Guess I’ll find out when I talk to him. My stenosis is only moderate so I could a get a few stents but they probably wouldn’t make a huge difference. I don’t have weight to lose and I don’t do well with the meds so I really need the shunt to do the heavy lifting.

Ooof and still high pressure? I have a 55+ OP, 51 on topomax…. Was hoping a shunt would be enough or if not adding stents. Are shunts not able to reduce the pressure?

Or did your pressure go down but your papilledema just not resolve? Sorry for all the questions!!

Everyone should have an emergency acct. especially anyone who ever plans to at any point not work to have kids…

Wouldn’t you look into stents or a shunt before blindness though?

We should probably put a plan in place and warn people or Something. Doing nothing is not a good answer. Help low income people with snow tires, gradually use less salt, something like. I dunno. I’m not a politician. I’d just like my grandchildren to have good water.