Maybe I'm just overreacting to the couple of fat jokes I've seen floating around here but I feel like people here forget the fact that Henry began his reign as a handsome, well-educated, charismatic guy. I know the most popular image of him we have in the modern day is him as an ailing old man with leg ulcers but this subreddit likes to pride itself on knowing their history beyond its shallow pop culture depictions and I think we should do better than act like Henry was always a hideous man whose face matched his soul. I've seen some people make jokes that act like Katherine of Aragon was unhappily married to a fat, ugly guy and I'm like "Didn't he only start gaining weight after he took that tourney fall on his head and he couldn't exercise like he used to?" As horrifying as it is to think about considering his later behavior towards her, Katherine was probably thrilled to marry him at first and was happy with him for years. I think the saddest thing about their relationship was that Katherine went to her grave loving that man and you might have fallen in love with him too if a handsome redheaded prince rescued you from obscurity and made you Queen of England.

I honestly think the fact that Henry began his life as a super promising king, who was handsome and well-loved and seen as a hopeless romantic, the MOST interesting thing about him. It's way more interesting to watch a guy who you might like at first and want to root for turn into a monster than just see a guy be awful and repulsive from birth. Plus, I feel like some "hah, Henry VIII was fat and ugly" jokes give off the impression that it's right to just judge people's character off of their appearance. Sometimes monsters don't always look like monsters or act like monsters upon first impressions.