I mean, it’s a really common antisemitic trope to say that Jews control the media and I feel like younger people simply don’t know that. It’s not debatable to state that historically Jews have been falsely accused of it.

Adelaide by Genevieve Wheeler. She was a fairly normal woman who just never figured out dating, and since you can’t make someone else love you, you kind of flounder until someone else decides they want to be with you.

Recently, A Short Walk Through A Wide World. Aubry wanted to connect with people but she also couldn’t fight her nature.

I agree with this. If adult contemporary was still a thing Taylor might never have gone full pop. She might have evolved into more of a Sheryl Crow sound.

Gotta rep Caitlin Rose (Liz Rose’s daughter!) and Margo Price in any convo about Kacey and Maggie.

Those bombings aren’t on the radar if sheltered Ivy Leaguers from the US.

Let’s be honest: male writers write it because they want to, and there’s a not insignificant percentage of the male fantasy readership that enjoys reading about it. This comes through when you read it and it’s gross. Also, these books take place on other planets and they have dragons and laser powers so I won’t hear any argument that sexual violence is the only thing that myst be realistic. These authors can come up with wildly inventive worlds and plots but they still insist on raping their women? There’s no excuse.

This exactly. Also they weren’t born yet when 9/11 happened so they have no healthy fear of Islamist terrorists.


Penn State online has this graduate level certificate for 12 credits at the 500 level. I did my accounting bachelors and masters through Penn online and they are legit Penn State degrees. It’s probably pricier than those other options but at least you’ll have the satisfaction of your 12 credits adding up to a complete certificate.

Um so the Best Pop Vocal Album category is just the updated name for the Best Pop Album and Best Contemporary Album category. It’s not about judging the actual vocals. It’s just a better name for “album of normal modern pop songs with voices singing lyrics.” It leaves room for categories for instrumental albums or remastered/rediscovered/rereleased older classics or whatever random other category they feel like awarding, especially as genres keep splintering and getting more niche and specific. Normally I’m all for criticizing how and why Taylor wins these awards but I think you’re fundamentally misunderstanding what this category is for.

Might as well decriminalize rape, theft, and murder, since it’s impossible to 100% prevent them.

The amount of teachers in my (predominantly mainstream Jewish) school who introduced the Holocaust unit by going around the class and announcing which of us looked or didn’t look Jewish…

I don’t say this lightly: there’s something so manic about all of this. I’ve recorded music and done some writing, and part of the creative process is taking a deep breath and feeling the weight off your shoulders when you’re done. You’ve finished it as much as you can and you’ve put it out in the world, so you take a minute to calm down and just exist before starting the next project. It’s starting to feel troubling that Taylor can’t stop fussing with a finished product and that she, a grownass adult, can’t contextualize that in 2024 she already won her fourth AOTY, had huge sales, and continues to rake it in on her sold out tour. She needs to keep metaphorically photobombing everyone and yelling ME ME ME in the background. Go take a bubble bath and order in dinner for a month, you weirdo asshole.

There were terrible stenches, but also the smells of unpolluted nature and non-commercial non-standard cooking. We’ve lost the extreme best and the extreme worst.

We’re still not talking about how covid followed closely by the strike meant that working actors who weren’t already rich had to call it quits and go back home. I agree with the reasons for the strike but it absolutely had an inadvertent negative effect on the diversity of the acting pool. It’s not like the nepo babies have randomly popped up for no reason. They’re the only people who can afford to stay in Hollywood for three years without a job.

It’s probably the only way she can have fun with fashion. She clearly loves clothing and she wears it well. Why not go lol with themes when she undoubtedly has to work within a million limitations?

I don’t think the timing lined up that way. One of the lols about Passions was that Timmy was always falling down the fucking well, because there was a well on that dumbass show. So when Joyce takes it seriously to wonder if Timmy’s safe, that’s the joke of the scene and why Spike knows she’s his new tv buddy.

ETA for clarity: the Timmy character died a lot on Passions, and I don’t think this scene timed to the actor dying.

The character work on Superstore was great. You had smart people who’d just caught a bad break in life, and also the idiots you’d expect to find fucking around in a job like that. And then the interesting stuff, like how Marcus the buffoon was actually really good at his job, and how Jonah was technically correct a lot of the time but people just didn’t want to hear it from someone like him.

There was a Criminal Minds episode about this. They said that once you show symptoms it’s already too late. Out of everything on that stupid show, that stuck with me.

They’re a terrible idea. But it’s a worse idea to skip college because of that if you really want to go.

I think Biden has created space so that when Hamas inevitably breaks the ceasefire, no one will be able to deny it or soften it. We will also see that some of the surviving women are now 7 or 8 months pregnant. Hopefully there are surviving American hostages willing to go on the news and speak plainly enough for the American campus idiots to hear it.

Aimee Teegarden is adorable and charismatic onscreen but has had way too many film and tv roles for someone who can’t string a sentence together.

Cheering is often the best/only way for a dancer or gymnast to get an athletic scholarship.